stars in the sky

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      Abhi was driving the car...but his eyes were constantly drifting towards akshu..who had not spoken a single word since they had left house..and was constantly looking outside of window and silently crying...abhi was feeling helpless...but he had to focus on road also for their he let her be herself for the time being...

       Akshu didn't even realised that when car stopped and Abhi was standing at her side.. signalling her to come out..but still she didn't made any Abhi opened the door and brought her out by holding her hand..

     She was standing in front of him.. again being silent..he wiped her tears.. intertwined their fingers and started walking..then only akshu realise where she was..
      It was almost dark all around..and no one was there...and they were in the same park...where she had confessed her love to him...akshu looked at him with curious eyes..still being silent..

   Abhi too didn't said anything..and made her sit on a bench..and sat in front of her on ground facing her...

     Akshu started looking sideways and again crying...abhi held her face and made her look at him..while wiping her tears...then he took her hand in his and started speaking...

           " Akshu see now we both are alone..start speaking whatever is in your heart...why are you crying like this?? you know I can't see you like this so please...stop crying and speak... always used to complain that I never today u got the chance..I will sit here silently...and listen whatever you have to say..but you have to say... without that I will not understand what's going in your mind and why are you crying this much?? So please...start" Abhi tried to persuade her as softly as he could...

      For few minutes akshu still didn't said anything and just kept looking at the stars...then suddenly she said something which shocked Abhi to the core... because he was not expecting this at all..

     " Abhi...I am looking at those you think our one baby is also one of them now.... looking at us...?? " she said so casually still looking above...

     Abhi was taken aback...he struggled six years with that pain..this pain was so much for him...then how will he help akshu in this..but he somehow controlled himself and didn't said anything...and let her share her side of pain...

              " Abhi...there are so many stars...whom I know...let me introduce you to them...see one of them is my mamma,my papa,sirat mamma,Neel and the most brightest one is our baby...I am also like papa had also became star she atleast has her mamma...but I met my mamma also as star...and then sirat mamma also became I know how she must be feeling or what she must be thinking while seeing other kids with their parents... because I also used to feel same.. looking at others father's...that why I don't have one... but do you know what is the worst feeling Abhi which is like killing me from inside" she asked while looking at him..

      Abhi didn't said anything...he just shook his head...

    Akshu again went back looking at the stars...

    " The worst feeling is that... somewhere I am the reason...ruhi's father and our one baby has become star now..." Akshu said with a faraway look and cold face...

         Abhi got alarmed..he knew in which direction it is going now...he has to do something he immediately got up and took her in his he was feeling even more guilty the way he blamed her for all of can he do that.. despite knowing what she had been went through in her he had lost control in his anger that day..and hurt her in worst way possible and said something so triggering.. now he was cursing himself again for that blunder... and how badly he wanted to go back and correct it...he went back to  his own guilt zone...

         Akshu hugged him tightly and cried her heart out....

    " Abhi..I am extremely sorry..I didn't thought of this danger..I was just hyper and getting restless after listening their voice...they were crying and asking me for help...and I could not think anything else..but you were right...I should have gone home after informing police...police was already on its was there job..they would have saved I should not have forced Neel to go there..maybe both Neel and our baby would have been alive today...and would not have become star...I am sorry Abhi...I am so sorry..I didn't understood your point that day...and your anger behind my I wish I can go back and stop myself from forcing Neel to go on that location...I am sorry Abhi... because of my one wrong decision we lost Neel and our one baby.." saying all this she started crying again..

          Abhi was feeling helpless..he didn't knew how to console her and what to say to make her feel better.. because no matter what he will will not erase that pain even little bit...but still he tried..

           " Akshu..first of all please stop are crying since last one it's's not good for your will fall please calm down..and akshu it's didn't deliberately did was just an unfortunate incident...yes I was trying to make you understand this only..but it turned out horribly wrong...I am glad that now atleast you understood my intention..but I am still very much sorry for the words I used and the way I behaved that day...see as I can't go back and change what I did that also can't go back and change what you did..and it's a matter how much we feel angry or cry or do whatever we can....but one thing both of us can definitely do akshu.." Abhi said to her and made her look at him..

        When he realised that he had her attention he again started speaking..while wiping her tears...

     " Akshu...we don't have control over past...but we can definitely try to make our present and future better than our past and to rectify our mistakes in the past..the only thing we can do not repeat those mistakes in our present and future..make 10 times more efforts to make things better for us and for our loved ones..this is only thing which we can do...and we will do this right??..." He said while cupping her face...

     Akshu looked at him and nodded her head...

       Then akshu hugged him and kept her head on his chest...they sat like that for sometime without saying anything...after six long years...they shared the emotional baggage which both of them were having on their heart..and now they were feeling much better and at peace..and it somehow dissolved the barriers and walls which they had made around themselves to hide their pain and emotions...
         The healing and recovery from their pain will take more time..but it will be impossible if they will keep going back in the past instead of stepping ahead in present and thinking about future...

    The process had started..let's see what future holds for them...

               Sorry guys...for late and short update...bas time nahi bhi bahut jaldi jaldi me likha h...I don't know how it came out.. ending this here only.. because I don't want to add anything else in this was just for them..
them to reflect and leave past behind and think about future..
    See you guys in next chapter... tomorrow not possible because it's Holi..

    Happy Holi to all of you...💖💖💖



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