James nods at Angus's accusations," Yeah, I killed those bitches," he snaps. Angus steps back as James admits to his crimes. He continues while taking a step forward," What? You thought that I wouldn't own up to my own murders? So, what if I killed them? I just so happened to be in the area. And for your little question earlier......"

He yanks Angus off his feet by grabbing onto his neck.

"James, please!" I shout in agony.

Angus struggles to breathe as he tries to pull James off him but it's no use. Though he was tall, James was taller. Though he was strong, James was stronger. So, when it comes to a physical confrontation, you won't even have to guess who will come out standing.

"...I don't want anything from him because I already have what I need, what you want as well. Him."

My head throbs as I take in the scene in front of me. I groan as the pain from my wound starts to begin again, my fingers run along the bandage to find it wet. I retreat my hands from the bandage and almost gag at the sight of my own blood on my hand.

"James let him go, please," My voice was weak and desperate. I stagger over to them in a few weak steps.

"Please," I ask again this time gently caressing one of the arms he used to choke my brother. Angus gasps breathlessly.

He focuses his attention on Angus at the same time tightening the grip on his neck.

"F-FUCK YOU!" Angus manages to get out as his eyes turn bloodshot.

James finally looks down at me, his expression unreadable.

I look to him with plead," Please let him go. I know he can be rash, but he doesn't deserve this."

With a groan, he finally let's go of Angus who falls onto the hardwood floor.

I quickly crouch down by his side, gently rubbing his back as he hangs his head low coughing.

"Jesus......ah, fucking Christ August! Get the fuck away from me!" He coughs in between his words. I lower my trembling hands from his back," I'm sorry."

He takes his time trying to stand all while trying to catch his breath. Once he's up, standing over me he pushes me away from him. I fall onto my back as I look up at him, tears flood my eyes automatically.

"If this is the person you see yourself staying with until death then by all means, stay! I'm fucking done!" His voice broke, though he was yelling he had tears in his eyes. True disappointment floods his gaze.

I knew the feeling all too well.

I hug my knees as he pushes past me.

The front door slams as he exits the house. James is quick to come to my aid once he's gone.

I rock myself back and forth as my breathing hitches. My heart is beating so fast,' he's never talked to me like that before; looked at me like that before, hurt me like that before. This is my fault I should've never came down here in the first place, I shouldn't have, I shouldn't......'

My heart seemed to pound even harder. I tried taking a deep breath to calm myself, but my breaths were sharp and shallow. An overwhelming thought of Angus not wanting to see me anymore consumed my mind. 'What if this is it? This is how I lose the one person who was there for me before James. '

"August, you're shaking like crazy."

He lightly holds me, pulling me off my feet. As he holds my trembling arms, I feel my chest tightening up.

"It feels like the walls are closing in. I can't breathe," I weakly say into his chest as he carries me.

"Let me take care of you."

He carries me out the living room and into the hall until we reach the back door of the house.

Once we're outside, I feel somewhat better but not by a lot. I start to understand that I'm having a panic attack now that I have a clear conscious. The pain that I feel during a regular attack only heightened because of my injury.

He sits us down on the patio porch with me still in his arms," Breathe baby, you're going to be just fine. Focus on your breathing for me, okay?"

His voice was almost a whisper as he softly rubs my arms in attempt to comfort me.

The pain in my chest slowly starts to decrease with each breath I take.

"You're good at this," I say weakly.

"I have experience."


He looks off into the distance, the heavy wind blows causing his hair to shift slightly.

I squirm in his arms until he finally releases me. His eyes stay focused on the flowers in front of us as I sit by his side.

"I'm not one to judge."

"It's just that I never told anyone this, not even my wife," he mumbles.

"Mention what? Your experience?"

He shakes his head slowly," The cause of my experience."

Not fully understanding, I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder," I'm sorry if I'm pushing your boundaries."

He finally looks to me with certainty in his eyes," There are no boundaries between us."

The corners of my mouth lift into a small smile, I gently rub his hand as I say," Then I'm here for you."

"Alright, it's a long story so get comfy."

He turns his body slightly to face me and spreads out his arms. I laugh as I rest my back on his chest, his arms wrap around me, pulling me tightly into his embrace.

"Alright, let's reminisce."

A/N: The next chapter will fully be in James's POV.

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