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third person

⚠️ trigger warning: this chapter does contain a panic attack. my personal messages are always open <3 ⚠️

avery has been trying to play it cool for a long time that she is ok, but the truth is, she isn't. the texts from her ex boyfriend jason have not stopped. even when avery ended up blocking the number, he keeps getting new numbers to continue to text avery. it's really starting to freak her out and it is putting the young girl on edge at every little thing around her.

today the lions have a home game against the vikings, so avery puts on a fake smile and acts like everything is going great for her. avery arrives at ford field and the first thing she does is check on aidan. she has to take one last look at his knee to make sure he is ok to play today. today's game is important because the vikings are in our division, nfc north, and they one of our rivals. we already lost to them earlier in the season, so it is important that they get a win today.

"hey aves" aidan says as he enters the room. aidan's voice is loud and it causes her to jump, but she relaxes once she realizes that it's aidan. she puts her hand on her heart to calm herself. "sorry i didn't mean to scare you"

"it's fine, i'm just tired" avery lies through the smile on her face. "you can get up on the table and we can start."

avery looks at aidan's knee, she touches it to see if he makes any faces of pain when she does so. aidan's smile never leaves his face so avery assumes that he isn't in any pain. avery moves aidan's knee and he stays the same.

"ok, everything looks fine. but the question of the day is how do you feel?" avery asks.

"my knee isn't bothering me. i feel fantastic" aidan says.

"you aren't lying to me are you? just so you can go out there play today?" avery teases.

"no, i would never put my health at risk, so i'm definitely not lying. plus i had a bad injury when i was at michigan, and while it sucked not being on the field and helping my team, i knew that my job in that moment was to heal. if i tried to be put in when i wasn't ready, it would have been a lot worse" aidan explains.

"look at you mister smarty pants." avery smiles genuinely for the first time all day. "k hutch, you sir are cleared to play today"


avery is now on the field watching the warm ups, her mind still racing with constant thoughts.

"avery" jamaal says lightly placing his chin on avery's shoulder. usually she wouldn't jump at this action but since she is on edge, she jumps.

"woah woah. take a lap with me" jamaal wraps his arm around avery and they slowly start walking around the football field. "what's up ave? why are you so jumpy?" jamaal asks concerned.

"the texts from jason" avery takes a much needed breath. "they haven't stop, i tried blocking him but he still finds a way to text me." avery says as the tears threaten to fall.

"come here, i know what you need right now" jamaal opens his arms and avery instantly accepts his hug. "you need a jamaal hug. it's ok, i've got you" jamaal whispers as avery's tears fall.

"listen, i'm going to let jared know. we are going to put extra security on you today at the game. you are surrounded by a football team that won't let anyone touch you. i promise" jamaal explains.


the lions ended up winning against the vikings, 34-23, which now makes the lions 7-6.

avery's texts have been blowing up since the game started. she currently has 95 unread text messages from jason. avery's head is spinning and she makes her way to the bathroom, it's a family bathroom and she locks it. avery's breathing begins to pick up and she can feel herself falling into a panic attack. avery picks up her phone and selects the first contact that comes to her mind.

"aves" aidan's voice fills avery's ears.

"hutch. i need you." avery manages to get out.

"where are you?" aidan asks calmly.

"i'm in the bathroom." avery can barely say.

"i'm coming" aidan hangs up as avery's breathing continues to be uneven.

not even a minute goes by when avery hears a knock at the bathroom door. "aves, it's hutch. can you let me in please?" aidan asks. avery makes her way to the door and unlocks it. aidan enters and takes in the scene that is unfolding before his eyes.

"what do you need from me aves?" aidan asks but before he can react, avery crashes her body into his. aidan readjusts his grip and holds the fragile girl in his arms.

"hey aves. can you tell me 5 things you can see?" aidan rubs circles on avery's back as he continues to hold her tightly.

"uhhh" avery takes a shaky breath in.

"just tell me the first things that come to mind, don't think about it" aidan runs his fingers through avery's hair.

"i see the toilet, the sink, your jersey, the wall, and you"

"good job. now can you tell me 4 things you can touch?"

"i feel your hands in my hair, your hand on my back, i feel your jersey against my ear. and i feel my socks itching my leg"

"you are doing so great aves. what are 3 things you can hear?"

"i hear your voice, the water dripping from the sink, and your heart beat"

"i'm so proud of you. tell me 2 things you can smell?"

"i smell your cologne mixed with sweat. i smell the plastic football smell."

"awesome. now 1 thing you can taste?"

"i taste my tears" avery laughs. the bathroom goes silent for a few minutes, and avery's breathing is now back to normal. avery doesn't want to let aidan go, afraid he will disappear the second she lets go of him. when she is ready, aidan lifts avery's head towards him with both of his hands.

"hi pretty girl" aidan smiles.

"hi" avery blushes.

"hutch, i need to tell you something" avery's smile falters.

"you can tell me anything" aidan reassures the girl.

"i lied to you" avery frowns.

"what did you lie to me about aves?" aidan says calmly.

"about the nickname aves" avery says. "i told you that no one has called me aves before. but that was a lie. my ex used to call me aves, and we had a really bad past. when i heard you say aves at the coffee shop i wanted to rewrite history and give aves a good meaning instead of a shitty one" avery's voice goes quiet.

"it's ok aves" aidan holds her closer.

"hutch?" avery questions. "i'm ready to tell you about my past. about my ex. i'm ready to tell you everything"

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