third person

avery has been having a fun few days spending a lot of time with uncle zac, ja'marr and joe. avery only had a few more days left until she had to go back to michigan.

"so how would you like to join me at ota's tomorrow?" zac asks as he puts a bite of his dinner.

"i'd love to. it sounds like a lot of fun" avery says.

"awesome" zac smiles as he puts his plate in the sink.

"well, i'm going to head to bed. good night kiddo" zac kisses the top of avery's head.

"good night uncle zac i love you" avery hugs zac.

"i love you too" zac waves as he heads to up the stairs for the night.

avery puts her plate in the sink and she plops down on the couch. she scrolls through her instagram for a little bit, until her phone lights up and she realizes she is getting a phone call. she instantly smiles when she sees who is calling.

avery quickly opens the sliding door and sits down outside on one of the chairs on the deck. she answers the phones and puts it up to her ear.

"hi" avery says into the phone.

"hey" aidan says on the other line.

"what's up?" avery asks.

"nothing much. i just wanted to see how you are doing. we miss you"

"do you miss me or does everyone miss me?"

"ok fine, i miss you. but the boys also miss you too" aidan laughs.

"that's so sweet of you hutch" avery blushes. "anyways, i'm doing good. cincinnati has been a lot of fun. it's nice to catch up with a lot of people i care about" avery continues.

"that sounds like fun" aidan says.

"are you jealous hutch?" avery laughs.

"maybe" aidan pouts. "anyways, we have another ota tomorrow and i'm kind of nervous for it" aidan adds.

"why are you nervous for it?" avery asks.

"i'm not going to lie, but your dad scares the shit out of me sometimes" aidan admits.

"he's only scary because he wants nothing but the best for you. he wants nothing more than to see each and every one of you succeed" avery admits truthfully.

"that's true. how many cups of coffee does he have in the morning?"

"about 2-3 cups. why?"

"the boys and i have this bet going on how many cups of coffee he has each morning because he's always full of so much energy all the freaking time" aidan chuckles.

"even on the days he doesn't have coffee he is still full of so much energy i don't even understand." avery says.

avery and aidan continue talking, until avery checks the time and realizes it's 2:30 in the morning. she had been talking to aidan for 2 and a half hours. time had been going by so fast, she didn't even realize it. the two say their goodbyes on the phone. avery opens the sliding door letting herself back in the house. she locks it before tiredly heading up to bed.

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