third person

avery wakes up with the sun shining down on her face. she smiles to herself before getting out of bed and getting her day started.

she gets changed into some casual clothes, straightens her blonde hair, and puts some mascara on. she finishes her look with her all-white converse. she then skips down the stairs where she smells breakfast.

"good morning sweetie. i'm currently making the pancakes but everything else is done and on the table" dan says as he continues to make breakfast.

"morning dad. thanks for making breakfast. nice apron" avery laughs causing dan to look at his apron which is covered in pictures of the father-daughter duo.

avery sits down at the table and starts eating the food that is already on the table. a few minutes go by and dan comes over with a plate of pancakes and sits down too.

"so after breakfast, we are going to head on over to the training facility so you can meet the team" dan exclaims.

"fun! i'm excited to meet everyone. i'm also excited to see jared and jamaal again" avery smiles.

"i promise everyone on the team is super nice. and if they aren't, you let me know and i'll make them run" dan laughs.

"i'm so excited to show off my daughter to everyone. i talk about you all the time" dan continues.

"so everyone already knows about me?" i ask.

"basically" dan shrugs.

"oh yeah, i've been meaning to ask you dad. are you looking to hire another athletic trainer for the lions?" avery questions.

"i'd have to ask around, but i don't see the harm in having one more athletic trainer on the team" dan replies.

"just keep me in the loop. i'd love to work for the lions" avery smiles.


the car comes to a stop as dan puts the car in park. "are you ready to meet the team?" dan asks with a smile on his face. 

"i was born ready" avery says as she gets out of the car.

the father-daughter duo walk into the facility. they make their way towards the outdoor football fields. as soon as the two walk in, everyone stops what they are doing and looks at the both of us.

"well, don't keep on staring all day, get over here boys" dan says in his coach campbell voice. a group of 6 boys jog over to greet their coach.

"hey coach" jared says breaking the silence filled air.

"boys, this is my daughter avery" coach points to avery as she smiles.

"avery you already know jared" coach continues. avery engulfs jared in a hug and jared happily hugs her back.

"oh how i have missed you jg" avery lets go of the hug and holds jared's face in her hands.

"right back at you ave" jared smiles.

"you also know jamaal" coach says looking at jamaal.

"i missed you mini campbell" jamaal says as he puts avery in a friendly neck lock, ruffling her hair.

"i guess i missed you too jamaal" avery rolls her eyes.

"you guess" jamaal's eyes go wide.

"fine i missed watching your touchdown dances in person" avery laughs causing jamaal to lightly push her out of his way.

enchanted | aidan hutchinsonWhere stories live. Discover now