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third person

the lions ended up winning last week against the bears in a very close game, 31-30. so the lions are now on a 2 week winning streak and the lions are finally playing some good football. the lions have an away game this weekend at metlife stadium against the new york giants.

avery is packing her suitcase for the flight when her phone vibrates to let her know she has gotten a text. avery picks up her phone expecting it to be a text from kendall or one of the boys, but when she sees who it is from, she gasps.

did you miss me?
i miss you
i will find you

i'm sorry who is this?
i think you have the wrong number.

i don't.
it's jason.
hey aves
miss me?

avery freezes when she hears that name. jason is avery's ex and let's just say that they did not have a good relationship and it ended badly. avery begins to take deep breaths trying to calm herself down. she can't deal with this right now so she quickly finishes packing her suitcase and then tries to fall asleep.


avery did not end up getting a lot of sleep last night and she is completely exhausted. she is at the airport with the rest of the boys waiting for the private jet to take them to new york. avery has continued to get nonstop texts from jason and they continue to freak her out. she can feel her breathing begin to pick up slightly but someone pulls her into their chest. avery looks up and sees that it is jared.

"hey it's just me. you're ok" jared reassures the girl. "are you okay ave? you look like you just saw a ghost"

"if i tell you something can you promise me you won't tell anyone? i don't want people to get worried about me" avery says as the tears in her eyes threaten to fall.

"hey, i promise. now talk to me please?" jared looks in avery's eyes but as avery is about to speak when the over head intercom says that their private plane is ready for them to board.

"hold that thought avery, you missy are not losing my sight and we will be talking on the plane" jared reaches his hand out for avery to hold as they both board the plane together.

something nice about being on a private plane is that it is big, meaning there are many empty seats. avery and jared find a section of the plane that is mainly empty. they sit next to one another and avery instantly lays her head on jared's shoulder. he wraps his arms around the poor and fragile girl to let her know that he is there for her and that she isn't alone.

"so you know about my ex right?" avery asks quietly.

"yeah, jason. what about him?" jared asks slightly concerned.

"he umm texted me" avery pulls out her phone and shows jared the texts.

"i froze last night when i first saw the texts. i'm really fucking scared jar" avery cries as jared holds her closer. "i tried to sleep and forget about it last night but i couldn't sleep. i barely slept last night because i'm terrified" avery hiccups.

"well, we have a few hour plane ride. so sleep on me and we can figure out how to handle this when we arrive" jared places a kiss on avery's head.

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