36. Bonfire

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I didn't see Kaiden after school either.

I'm home now and just finished dinner, Zach wasn't home, same with Graham.

So it was just Zayden, me and the other two.

It made it a whole lot easier to sneak out with only having to worry about one person.

I made sure to cover my Hickey with foundation when I was applying a little bit of makeup on myself.

I sent a message to Kai asking if he was going to the bonfire.

I didn't get a reply.


Loud music vibrates in the car as Xander speeds down the road, Gunner's holding a bottle of Jack and taking slow sips while looking down at his phone.

"Hey, is your blond friend going to be there?"

I turn to Gunner "why?"


"Because why?" I push.

"Because she's hot and I want to fuck her, happy?" Gunner blurts out, annoyance in his tone. Xander lets out a snort.

I cringe, crinkling my nose "Ew, leave her alone. She doesn't need you fucking and dumping her the same night"

"Who says I'm gonna do that" Gunner scoffs looking back at me.

"You're reputation"

Gunner rolls his eyes and turns back to his phone.

We come to a screeching stop Infront of a two story house, making me lurch forward.

I hit the back of Xander's seat "Can you fucking relax with the driving, your going to kill us"

"Shut up" is all I get.

"I'll tell Mika I hear you humming Selena Gomez songs in the shower" I threaten him.

Xander's head whips to me so fast I'm sure he gets whiplash.

He goes to open his mouth, most likely going to threaten me when the back door opens.

"H-hey guys" Mika greets as he sits down next to me and closes the door.

Xander looks to him with soft eyes before nodding and looking back to the front window.

"Hi Mika, you look nice" I compliment, taking in his cream colored baggy jeans and white jumper, topped off with a black puffer jacket.

"Thank you, I like your o-outfit!" His cheeks tinge pink.

I thank him back and look down at my attire.

I've got on a white tight tank top with black baggy jeans.

I brought a white and black flannel incase I get cold.

Bit basic but eh.

"Alright let's go! I'm getting horny" Gunner exclaims, slapping the dash board lightly.

Mika and I let out weirded out laughs while Xander shakes his head with a amused smile before putting the car in drive.


Two hours later I'm sitting on a piece of wood in front of the fire, taking slow sips of my second drink tonight.

It took us an hour to drive here and we only been here for an hour.

I'm bored.

Gunner is flirting with Jayla on the other side of the fire while Xander and Mika went off to get more drinks.

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