13. I hate my brother

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"Allright class dismissed! Remember homework is due next week!" Mr. Harris, my math teacher announced as the bell rang.

I grab my book that only has scribbles in it, no work. I'm horrible at math. I don't know shit about it so I spent the whole class drawing random crap.

I hurry towards the door, excited that it's finally lunch and I can eat.

I am starving. I skipped breakfast this morning because I woke up late, Xander was supposed to wake me up but of course he didn't.

My foot is out the door when Mr. Harris quickly calls me back.

I sigh and walk to his desk "yes?"

"Miss Blackwell, I know your new and all but you're grades aren't the best. Your failing my class, and I don't even see you try to even do the work" he commented, slight annoyances in his tone.

"So" I drawled, not caring and just wanting to leave.

"So I'm going to set you up with a tutor, I'll pick my best student in my year eleven math class and they'll help you once a week after school in the library, if you don't cooperate and go to your session, I'll be forced to involve your guardian" Mr. Harris stated.

I sigh, a tutor? It would help me not get in trouble and break Zach's rule I guess. I don't want him to annoy me about being a bad student blah blah blah.

"Yeah okay Mr. Harris I'll do it" I agree, nodding my head.

He smiles proudly and claps his hands together "excellent! You'll know everything about the sessions by the end of the week and then you'll start your sessions next week!"

"Great" I breathe out and finally leave the classroom. Walking to the cafeteria.

I get in line for the food, looking around the Cafeteria, so many people.


I spot Xander and Gunner sitting at a table in the middle of the room, surrounded by boys and girls.

One of them being Jack.

Hate that creep.

I grab my tray of food and walk to the table in the far back of the room, I spotted from walking in here.

I sit down with a huff, pulling out my phone and earphones.

Until I fucking remember I don't have earphone anymore.

I groan and slam my phone down.

I Needa buy new ones.

I'm about to dig into my food when a squeaky voice reaches my ears.

"I-i wouldn't sit there if I was you" I turn my heard to the accented voice, seeing a boy sitting next to the table by himself.

He's got glasses and brown curly hair, one brown eye and one blue eye, that are looking at me with concern.

He's cute, not in a hot way but in i wanna squish his chubby cheeks like a grandma way.

"Uh why?" I ask, setting my fry down.

He looks around nervously, a scared expression on his face.

His nose twitches "The guy who sits there is pretty mean, h-he gets pissed when people sit there"

I snort "this is a free country, I can sit wherever I want, not letting some kid who thinks he owns a seat tell me I can't sit here"

He gulps "A-alright, I was just warning you" he looks down, cheeks pink in embarrassment.

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