20. Truth

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She stays silent, avoiding eye contact.

I feel my stomach knot up.

I really hope I'm wrong, I pray I'm wrong.

"Gen, did someone hurt you" I question and hold my breath.

My heart beats a little faster than usual, anticipating for her response.

She sighs and nods her head.

My heart stops.

"Was it Dane" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah" she says it so carelessly, like it's normal, like were having a casual conversation about the fucking weather.

My stomach drops and I let out a breath, I get up and sit at the edge of my bed.

I grip my face in my hands.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

I turn back to Gen and she's just laying there, her face blank.

My heart breaks for my baby sister.

I think back to last night, how I treated her.

How she was absolutely fucking terrified of me and now I find this out.

A piercing pain of regret and guilt stabs through my heart.

To my shock, my eyes start to sting with tears for the first time in god knows how long.

She thought I was going hurt her.

My little sister thought I was going to physically hurt her.

"Genesis, tell me everything" I turn fully to her, my face serious.

She finally makes eye contact me,

And then she begins talking.


When Genesis leaves my room to have a shower in her bathroom, I rush to the toilet and vomit out last night's contents.

I'm sick.

I'm sick hearing what that fucking bastard did to my sister.

He hit her, he beat her, neglected her since she was a young child.

He beat her almost every day.

She reluctantly told me she still had bruises from the last beating after I nagged her to tell me.

I demanded her to show me.

"Zach it's fine now, their practically gone."

"Show me Genesis, please" I plead softly.

She hesitates before pushing her shirt up a bit to show her stomach.

I suck in a breath.

There all around her stomach.

You can tell they were huge even if their a faded yellow color now.

You can also tell that they were done with full strength by how their only just starting to fade now.

My fist clench, I pull her shirt back down.

I get up from the floor and flush the toilet.

I go up to my bathroom sink and lean my hands against it, dropping my head.

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