17. Dumb

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"No thank you" Is all I say before walking towards the door to exist the room.

"Now, now miss Blackwell. Zachariah informed me to call him right away if you refused to do your session. Told me to give you an after school detention if you skipped" Mr. Harris said, almost smugly.

Does he like to torture his students?

and Zach, you betrayer.

I really don't want to waste my time in detention when I could be at home relaxing and watching TV shows.

I sigh "fine let's go" I grumble, storming past Kaiden who has a annoyed look across his face.

Yeah, me too buddy.

We walk silently down the empty hallway, our shoes slapping against the tiled floors being the only sound between us.

We get to the library and walk in, there is only two other people here, one being a student doing his work and the other being the librarian.

Kaiden goes to a table at the far back behind bookshelves and I reluctantly follow behind him.

He sits down with a groan "let's get this over with so I don't have to be in your appearance any longer than an hour."

My mouth parts slightly. I scoff, this prick!

"I don't want to be around you either, trust me. Only doing this so I don't get detention."

"And I'm only here to get higher grades" he scoffs back, pulling his books out of his black bag.

I eye his math textbook and his math book with his neat handwriting "I didn't expect you to be smart" I snort.

He turns to me harshly and glares at me "what the fuck is that supposed mean."

I shrink back the littles bit, he sure knows how to glare, Jesus.

I look away and grab my book out of my gray bag "nothing" I mumble. I set my book out in front of me, my pen ready in hand.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, I'm the one helping your ass so don't go giving me attitude for no reason" he snarls, still looking at me with a dirty look.

yEaH tHaTs WhAt I tHoUgHt, I mouth mocking him.


He's changed so much since when I saw him at the park and at lunch last week, before he found out I'm related to Xander.

Still don't know why they hate each other so much, maybe I'll ask Xander.

He actually seemed to like me when he was laughing at me at lunch, now he completely hates me.



I snap out of daze with a jump and look at Kaiden who's glaring at me once again.

"Were you even listening to anything I was saying?" He questioned.

I look at him sheepishly "Sorry I just zone-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"Fuck" he laughs, but there's no humor behind it. He runs his hand down his face "if I knew you were this fucking dumb, I wouldn't have said yes to Mr. Harris."

I flinch back slightly at his words like they physically hit me. Hurt spreading through my chest.

My hands go to my lap, and I start to squeeze my wrist tightly, glaring ahead at nothing.

To my embarrassment, my eyes start to sting with tears.

Like the fiftieth time this month.


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