12. The boy

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When we leave the hospital Zachariah tells me I have to ride back with Xander and Gunner because him and the other two are going out.

Something to do with work.


Gunner gets into the front and just as I place my hand on the handle to open the back, a hand slams down on the door.

I turn and look at Xander in annoyance.

"What do you want no-"

"Don't do that again" he cuts me off with a scowl.

I furrow my brows "do what?"

"Don't fuckin hurt yourself cause your pissed at me, alright?" He snapped, looking at me with anger that doesn't feel directed at me more himself.

I even see a bit of guilt which makes my eyes widen.

That's shocking.

He storms away to the passenger door and gets in, slamming the door behind him.

I'm still standing a little shocked before I shake my head and get in the car.

That was...unexpected.


When we got home the boys went straight into their rooms, ignoring my appearance.

Which gives me the perfect opportunity to leave.

I take a quick shower before picking out a pair of black jeans and a tight white long sleeve shirt, and with my leather jacket of course.

It's five thirty, we have dinner at six thirty, I'll be back before then.

Only going around to the nearest gas station to buy cigarettes.

I grab my fake ID and my gun, just in case I might need it.

I close my bedroom door behind me, not worrying about being loud with the music booming from Xanders room.

I go down the same stairs as last time, leaving my phone case in between the last door again.

I get to the garage door and press the button, getting my phone I click into my camera roll.

The door slides all the way open and I'm met with two pairs of eyes.

"Um miss Blackwell your not supposed to-"

I shove my phone Infront of their faces, the picture of them sleeping reflecting from their eyes as they widen.

"What the hell-"

"Let me pass and I won't tell Zachariah you were sleeping on the job, trust me, he wouldn't like knowing you risked our safety" I say, smiling sweetly at them.

Their mouths are opening and closing in shock, eyes wide in disbelief.

"How did- when did you- what!" On of the twins yell, looking very confused.

I smirk.

"Let me pass and this photo stays between us, yes?"

I walk past them and smile, feeling quite proud of myself.

"Why the fuck were you sleeping on me you weird fuck!" I hear a whispered shout and a shove.

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