ice cream date ✎ 휴닝카이 💗

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𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩 ⛅ [  ]

written by the amazing Random_Linden_Tea

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written by the amazing Random_Linden_Tea

thank you for agreeing to work with me!!! now this book can stop collecting dust <3


"kai! we can't eat ice cream for lunch" you whined.

“says who?” kai relented. he was dragging you by the arm into the ice cream parlor, a smile gracing his features.

“it isn’t healthy…” you trailed off as he brought you to the front.

you gaped at all the flavors. you hadn’t been to this place in years and had forgotten about their incredible variety. you felt kai’s arm go around your waist. he shot you a cheesy smile. “i’ll pay.”

“alright, alright.” you leaned over to inspect more of the ice creams.

“do you wanna get a jumbo banana split and share? those things are huge.” you could feel kai tapping his fingers on your hip as he spoke.

“uh, sure.” you smiled. “that works.”

one of the employees walked over to you and shot huening kai a bright smile. you had completely gone under her radar. you felt a slight twinge in your heart but didn’t truly care enough.

“yeah! can we have a jumbo banana split?”

“of course.” the employee smiled. “what flavors? you can choose four.”

“oh! i’ll get it.” you smiled at kai and then turned your gaze to the employee. she nodded as you listed off the both of your favorite flavors.

“alrighttt…” the employee tapped a few things on the screen before listing the price. kai paid up front and bowed his head before leading you away.

“this is my favorite spot.” he showed you a cozy little booth in the corner pressed up against the window. he slid in one side and you sat across from him.

“can i tell you why?”

you rested you chin on your hand and watched kai with adoration. “of course. why?”

“because you can see the sky from here and all the people and the flowers.” kai grinned, his gaze meeting yours. “you’re staring, y/n.”

you felt your skin warm. “you’re just so cute.”


your eyes widened as you sat up straight. “i said you look like a boot!”
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kai giggled. his attention was diverted when a waiter delivered your order. he turned back to you and offered you a spoon as the employee left. “yeah, i don’t think so. that doesn’t make any sense.”

“what if it does.”

“but it doesn’t.” kai raised his eyebrows and took a spoon of ice cream.

you shook your head, thoroughly flustered. “just eat.”

once both of you were finished with your ice cream lunch, kai and you exited the parlor. he grabbed your hand as the bell chimed, announcing your departure.

you both walked for a moment or two, then he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “i heard what you said, earlier.”

you watched kai with wide eyes and burning cheeks. he grinned at you, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. “you’re cuter.”


💗: ru
🤍: me

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