a day together ☀️

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jude has a day off today and he wanted to cook it with me. First we go into town, then something to eat, then to the fair and finally we go home and watch a film.

"Baby are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

"damn y/n."


"You look adorable."

"aww thanks."

"You know, we can stay here and do something else."

he winked at me with a slightly creepy smile.

"Nah, let's have a nice day today. Come on."

We then walked out of the house and ran to the car. a bodyguard is always with jude because we are in Dortmund and he has a lot of fans there.

"Where do you want to go first baby?"

"I wanted to go to Brooklyn first, if that's ok with you? I need new shoes."

"baby of course."

Once in the city, Jude and I walked hand in hand to Brooklyn. I chose a pair of Jordans and then went to the checkout.

"that's all ma'am?"


"that's 70€ please."

"of course ."

i was about to give my money until jude gave his credit card.

"Stop Jude."

"what do you mean?"

"You always do that. You never let me pay."

"I just like to spend for you."

"And I appreciate that too baby but you can't always spend on me."

"when you're with me you never pay for your things."

what a guy.

we walked a bit through the city and bought some things.

"you hungry baby?"

"yeah kinda."

"come on, let's get something to eat."

we walked to a restaurant and had a delicious meal there. we talked about some things and this time it was my turn with the bill.

I quickly gave the waiter my credit card before jude could do it.


"What? I just don't want you to always pay."

"Baby I don't mind paying for you."

"But I do. Come on, let's go."

we ran out of the restaurant.

"Do we want to go to the fair now?"

"ohh yeah."

We then went to the fair and I was so looking forward to it. when we arrived i saw that there were already a lot of people there. that scares me sometimes.

"everything ok y/n?"

"mhm. there are just a lot of people here."

"everything will be alright baby. just stay with me."

jude and i walk hand in hand through the fair. i saw the ferris wheel and really wanted to go on it.

"Jude can we get on that?"

"yeah babe-"


I turned and saw a group of teenagers standing there.

"can we take a photo?"

"Jude Bellingham?!"

"my baby."


Suddenly more and more came and slowly we were surrounded by them.

"Jude can we go?"

he nodded and then pulled me towards him. we tried to walk away, which was very difficult because more and more people came.

"omg is that y/n?!"

"how pretty she is!"

"hiii y/n!"

more and more it was too tight for me and so slowly I panicked.


"uh it was really nice to see you all guys but we have to move on. sorry."

we were finally able to get through because some people made room for us and we quickly ran to the car. Once there we drove off immediately and I tried to breathe normally again.

"everything alright babe?"

"yes all good. it was just too much."

"I'm sorry y/n. You couldn't go on the Ferris wheel either."

"You don't have to apologize Jude. It's not your fault. It's all good."

"come here."

I moved closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. when we got home we put on a movie and ate some snacks.

"Today was a great day."

"I thought so too. Was really very nice."

"I love it when we're alone. just the two of us."

"Me too."

"I love you y/n."

"I love you more."

i love you

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