Chapter 31

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Author POV

News about Harin's disappearance
spread through the hall like wildfire
and everyone was now on their
toes as they searched for the missing

They would've called her phone
but girl left it in the hall in her
mini bag so it was useless
(she really needs to stop leaving
it smh).

The venue was pretty big so
it was going to take some time
to find her but they were many so
it would obviously get done much faster.

Some people: Nara, the kids and a
few others, stayed in the hall incase she came back while the rest somehow
managed to split themselves up so
that they could cover more ground
much faster.

Jungkook was starting to get
super worried cause no one
had called him yet and it was
so dark outside that he had to
use a flashlight, he was one of
the few who were looking outside.

He came across a garden and
nothing about it seemed special but
something in his heart told him
to go check.

Heart thumping in his ears,
he walked around the mini garden
and just as he thought he was done,
a slight glimmer of something shiny
caught his attention.

Picking it up, his heart stopped
and fear began to course through
his veins but even wilder than before.

The thing, well to be specific
ring, was supposed to be on the
missing girls finger and not on the
grass being explored on by tiny
bugs and creatures.

Looking around once more
with tears starting to sting his vision,
he saw something very strange and
found himself walking towards it.

Before him was what was supposed
to be a wall made out of vines but
it looked like someone had cut- no-
pushed through it to get to the other

Hand slowly raising, he pushed
it and was surprised to find out
that it was actually a door and behind
it was a garden even greater than
the one he is in.

The feeling in his heart grew
stronger and he found himself
walking into what seems like a
hidden garden as his eyes made
sure to scan every part of it
not missing anything out.

It has been five minutes of him
walking and he hasn't even searched
a quarter of the garden and his legs
were starting to hurt but he couldn't give up just yet, she was there and he was going to find her no matter

With a new set of determination,
he continued to follow the path
he was on when a short but alarming scream caught his attention.

Jungkook: "h-harin"


The girl who had been tripped
glared at the culprit as she got
up on her feet.

Harin: "fvck you,
i hope you die"
She kicks the rock
in anger.

As she was dusting her dress,
the sudden feeling of being turned around then getting hugged
scared the living soul out of her
for a second.

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