Chapter 22

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Author POV

Laughter filled the room
as the three enjoyed their time
together not knowing what awaited

Daeun: "so i told her
'no Mira, you can't eat the
strawberry smelling crayon'
but she didn't listen and now her
mouth is red and her eomma is
not happy"

Harin: "oh wow- i want
to properly meet this Mira you
speak so often about. you should
have a sleep over or something"

Daeun nodded, loving the idea
and Harin smiled then pat
her head softly.

Jungkook also like-
no, LOVED the idea of having
Harin all to himself again.

Daeun: "eomma can i
have it tomorrow?"

Harin: "maybe not tomorrow

Daeun: "we can go to
school together"

Harin: "you didn't let
me finish ohmygosh- anyway-
we are also going out for
our date, remember?"

Daeun: "oh Yeah!"

Jungkook: "huh? you're
leaving me? how come
i didn't know about this?? "

Harin: "you zoned out like fifty
times yesterday when we were
having our family time after
dinner, so it's no surprise
that you didn't know"

Jungkook: "that's not fair, you could've
told me, i don't want to be alone"

Bam: "then what the hell
am i?"

Harin: "you're a big boy,
you'll be fine"

Jungkook: "i want to
He pouts.

Daeun: "this for eomma
and Dae only, sorry"
She grins.

Harin: "such a tease"
"don't worry
you have Bam"

Bam: "Woof!"
"exactly damn-
the only real human here"

Jungkook: ".."

Harin hugged him, they are sitting
on the bed in a circle, and kissed
his nose.

Harin: "wh-.."

Daeun: "no kissing my appa"
She hugs him protectively.

Harin sits up and playfully glares
at her.

Harin: "the pushing was
clearly unnecessary don't you

Daeun: "..huh? "

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