Chapter 6

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Author POV

Daeun: "Eomma! cotton

Harin:"eh- now? but we just

Daeun: "awww"


Harin: "..i can't believe
you are getting it for her"

She says in disbelief as she looks
at the guy who is paying for
some cotton candy.

Jungkook: "just say you
want some and are too
shy to ask"

Harin: "cotton candy is
not my thing"

Jungkook: "mkay"
He shrugs before handing
Daeun her cloud candy.

Daeun:"thank youuu"

Jungkook: "you're welcome"
He smiles.

Harin: "so where to now? "

Jungkook: "there's a playground
here so Dae can play for a
bit then we'll take a walk
to see what's around"

Harin: "wahhh, Daeun did you
hear that? this trip was made
just for you so you should rEally
enjoy this, okay?"

Daeun: "Okay!"

They arrive at the playground
seven minutes later and Daeun
runs straight for the playground
while Harin and Jungkook go
to the free bench that faced the

Harin: "Haaaaa"
She sighs as she

Jungkook: "tired already?"

Shaking her head she smiles
then takes her phone out
and takes a picture of the sky.

Harin: "one thing i do everyday
is my daily sky pick that i
post on my Instagram story"

Jungkook: "that's cool, i
do the same but i
don't only take a picture of
the sky, i take pictures of all
sorts of things"

Harin: "ayeee hi-five"

The two high-five and
Jungkook laughs softly.

Jungkook: "i like your vibe
it's so positive and happy"

Harin: "thank youuu,
i think yours it's bright and
goofy since you seem to
joke around a lot, which is a
good thing, don't worry"
She assures him
at the end to not have any
misunderstandings before
posting her picture on Instagram.

Jungkook nodded
understandingly and
when he looked at her
side profile, he fought the urge
to tuck her hair behind her
ear cause he couldn't see her
face well.

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