Chapter 18

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Author POV

Harin: "i bet they hurt like

Jungkook looked at his
arm and smiled.

Jungkook: "mhm"

They are now on the couch chilling
when Harin suddenly got
interested in his tattoos.

Harin: "can i?"

He stretched his arm out
and Harin began to trace out the outlines of his tattoos.

Harin: "stay still, dont
She tried to be serious
but ended up smiling.

Jungkook: "but you're doing
it so lightly, it's so ticklish"
He complains.

Harin: "so you want me
to do it like this?"
She asks as she puts
a bit more pressure on
her finger.

Jungkook: "Yes"

Harin: "tch"

She went back to
tracing and Jungkook just
stared at her concentrated face
with a smile.

Harin: "you are such a
She says not breaking
her concentration.

Jungkook: "what do you

Harin: "back then you said
that you'll never get a tattoo
because of how much it'll hurt
but look at you now, your whole arm
if full of tattoos. lier"

Jungkook: "what about you?
you said the same thing
and yet you have one"

Harin: "more than three,
She smiles up at him
as she was done.

Harin: "and my mind changes
over time. i might say i like something
today but it might not be the same
in two years"

Jungkook: "well that's the case
for me too"

Harin: "mhm"

Harin: "Rain!"

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Harin: "Rain!"

She excitedly rushed to the
door but before she could
open it someone who was stood
behind her locked the door
and removed the key before
putting it in his pocket.

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