Chapter 28

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Author POV

Harin woke up the next day
to a white wall.. how nice-

The door opened and in came the
doctor and she immediately smiled.

Harin: "bonjour"

Doctor: "oh- bonjour,
you know french?"

Harin: "no, heh"

Doctor: "Oh, but you
have the accent, no?"

Harin: "really?
thank youu
i thought i sounded
weird or something lol"

The doctor laughs.

Doctor: "so how are
we today!"

Harin: "good, can i
leave now?"

Doctor: "we just need to do
a final check up then
you're free to explore the world"

Harin: "Woooooo"


Harin: "i forgot i wasn't
done yet-.."

Nara: "i can help,
i mean you're almost
done anyway so it
shouldn't take more than
five minutes"

Harin: "thank youuu"

Nara: "no problemmm"

They finish packing
the rest of her stuff, she packed
the gifts don't worry, when Harin
realized something.

Harin: "fvck-
my clothes for the airport.."

Nara: "oh- i got those out
already, they're over

She points the the wardrobe
that had and outfit on the
hanger that was dangling from
the handle.

Harin: "you're the bestttt"

She hugs her making
the younger laugh.

Taehyung: "now that you're done-
i bet you're hungry so do you want
to go get something to eat or
get room service"

Harin: "room service,
i don't really feel like
walking around"

Taehyung: "mhm, okay,
so take a look at the menu
then come to me in two minutes
so that i can order"

The girls nodded and Taehyung
left the room.

time for departure

Taehyung: "must you really
take a photo every three seconds"

Harin: "stop acting as if
you don't force me to let
you be in them"
She glares at him
for a hot second before
focusing back on her phone.

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