Chapter 23

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Author POV

Jungkook: "you don't know?"

Daeun: "no, i didn't
even know we at home now"
The tired girl claims
as she turns her body to
face the other side of
the bed.

Jungkook sighed as he massaged
his temples.

Harin is nowhere to be found
and to make things worse
she left her phone on the counter.

Fifteen minutes have passed

when the door opened and a
really tired girl walked in.

Jungkook: "where were you"

Looking up she found him
standing with his arms crossed
a few meters away from where
she stood.

Harin: "you're back"

Jungkook: "yes, now tell me
where you went without
your phone and leaving
Dae by herself"

Harin: "i went uh- some..where.?"
She was unsure if she
should say where she was
or not so therefore she ended
up lying.

Jungkook: "Harin stop

Harin: "look Jungkook-
i'm really tired so--"

She gasped in
surprise when he grabbed her arm,
she was passing by him,
and out of reflex she pushed
him away.

Harin: "i-i'm going to

She quickly muttered
before rushing upstairs
as she clutched her arm.

Jungkook: "what was that
on her hand"

He followed her to their room
and right before she could
lock herself in the bathroom
he stopped the door just in time
making her heart race.

Jungkook: "tell me what's going
on before i--"

Harin: "i almost killed someone!"
She blurted out
making him freeze.


Harin POV

Jungkook: "you're so

"i love you too
my kookie bunny"
I smile before
kissing his nose.

Yeah- so I lied.
I went for a little walk
and about my hand it
got scratched when I bumped
into the wall earlier.

Jungkook: "next time don't
leave without your phone"


Jungkook: "and always tell
Dae where you're going"


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