Chapter 30

41 2 0


Harin POV

Every since I announced my
pregnancy, Jungkook has been
extra protective of me and doesn't
let me do "intense" stuff like cooking
like- DUDE CHILL- it Won't
kill me.

When we went
to bed that night, I asked him why he
turned the whole houses power off
and he said that he knew I would
go to the backyard straight away
instead of going inside because if he
did leave it on, I would've never gone there and it actually made sense, I barely go back there.

Another thing was that the proposal
was being recorded and because
me announcing my pregnancy was
unplanned, it just made the video
even better, and when it got uploaded
to the internet it blew up like so many
people were so happy for us and the
positive comments made me feel so loved you know?

Anyway- we are planning for our
wedding now and it's DEFINITELY going
to be before my baby bump starts to become REALLY visible, I don't
want to look like an inflatable balloon.

I FORGET- we, Kookie and I,
went for my ultrasound scan when
I was nine weeks, I'm now eleven,
and guess what? I have TWO
Not ONE TWO Human Baby Children
In My Stomach.

It's not buy one get one
free anymore, dude just got
a bonus.

News spread out fast about the twins,
and everyone is happy ESPECIALLY
Dae, omg girl can't wait- so yeah-
that summarizes what happened
in these past weeks.

since Jungkook limited the stuff
I can do, I am now in his office, he doesn't want me out of his sight
-deep sigh-, chilling that's a lie-
I want to get out ಥ_ಥ.

"he seems reAlly
busy with what he's doing,
i don't think he'll notice me

Jungkook: "where are you

you have successfully failed
to escape (TvT)"


He stops what he's doing
then leans back on his chair
with his arms crossed and
a raised brow.

Jungkook: "where is my lovely
wife attempting to escape to
without telling her dear husband"

"butterfl- no-
my stomach (。>﹏<。)"

"i-i want to go to
the bathroom"

He motions to the closed
door in the corner of the room.

Jungkook: "there's a bathroom

"but i don't want that

Jungkook: "why not?"

"just because~"

Him suddenly getting up from
the chair startled me as
I took a step back.

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