Chapter 2

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Author POV

Daeun and Nayeon were casually
playing in the playroom while
Harin and Joo-A were in the kitchen
baking cupcakes.

Joo-A: "sooooo what did
you and Tae talk about"

Harin: "my upcoming
She says she mixes
the mix.

Joo-A: "only?-

Harin: "I KNEW IT,
you asked Tae to talk to
me about the owner right?"

Joo-A rubs her arm as
she pouts and Harin sighs.

Harin: "eonnie, i'm fine thank
you how are you--"

Joo-A: "eh?--"

Harin: "i don't know why
you want me to know about
this guy so badly but-
please give up,
you are already taken"

Joo-A: "tch- for You
not me, i'm already happily
married with a daughter and husband"

Harin: "i have a daughter too"
She mumbles under her breath.

Joo-A: "i Heard that"
She glares at her.

Harin laughs nervously then
goes back to mixing.



I look at the girl in front of
me with a sad smile.

"you can't keep living
like this Harin-ah,
it's too sad to watch"

"Harin-ah i'm serious, i
can't stand watching you take
care of Daeun all by yourself"

Harin: "then don't"

She shrugs disinterested as she
begins to pour the mix into the
cupcake trays without sparing me a glance.


Harin: "i'm serious, everything is fine,
me and Daeun are doing well
so i don't see the need to have someone
else helping me"

"how are you so sure
about that? what if she wants a
father but is too scared to say anything"

Harin: "she doesn't because
Taehyung is there"

"how long are you going to keep
using him like that"

Harin: "eonnie!"
She looks at me
with wide eyes.

"wae? it's exactly what you
are doing, Harin you can't expect
to have Taehyung as the father figure
of your daughter forever.
he probably also wants to get married
but it won't really work with Daeun
calling him appa, it'll give people
the wrong idea"

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