Chapter 25

26 2 0


Author POV

Everyone was sat around
a table as they enjoying
their slice of cake while
the kids were sat by the
stage in mini royal chairs
watching the show that
Harin booked for them.

Sang-Hee: "after this i just
know that Mira is going to
ask for a party like this for
her sixth birthday"

Harin: "i'm so sorryyy"
She lightly touched
her arm as the two

Harin: "how's the one in
your stomach, i hope she's
doing fine"

Sang-Hee took a deep breath
like she was so done of everything.

Sang-Hee: "don't even get
me started"

Harin pattes her back
understandingly when a
pat on her thigh caught her

Harin: "mhm?"

Jungkook: "i'm going to
the bathroom"

Harin: "okay,
don't drown"

Jungkook playfully rolled
his eyes as he got up
then kissed her forehead
and left.

Sang-Hee: "i'm so jealoussss,
i want my husband to
do that to me too but he..
tsk tsk"

The guy who was checking
himself out stopped when
he felt people looking at him.

Seokjin: "what?"

Sang-Hee: "nothing, go back
to admiring your handsome
face again"
She gives him a
fake smile before
turning back to Harin.

Harin: "lol"

Nara: "hey- sorry
to interrupt but i have
to go now"

Harin: "so soon?"

Nara nodded sadly
and Harin sighed then got
up to hug her.

Harin: "okay bye, don't forget
to say bye to Dae, she'd be
sad to know that you left
without saying goodbye"

Nara nodded then waved
at everyone else before
going towards the birthday girl.

Sang-Hee: "Taehyungs sister?"

Harin: "they look alike,
don't they"
She says as she
sat back down.

Sang-Hee: "mhm. their
visuals just stand out,
kinda hard to miss if i
must say"

Harin nodded in agreement
before taking a sip of
her water.

Harin: "so when are you
due? "

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