Thank You (Final)

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My dear readers,

So here we are, at the very end of My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]. As I'm currently speaking, it's Feb 26, 2023, a Sunday morning (Vietnam time).

Yeah, you read that right, this book is marked as complete.

To be honest, when I first started here, fresh and ready, I didn't even think I'd be able to see an entire novel/book to its end. It's always been such a challenge to me, and, if I may tell you the truth, I almost chickened out of writing on Wattpad. But well, writing's always been a passion of mine since kami knows when, so I still decided to give it a shot.

The idea came to me on a cool day in August 2022, when I was going through the animes I used to watch and of course, the first one on my list was, is, and always will be, Naruto. And I swear I didn't even really take the time to think that much when Tobirama appeared all of a sudden like a light bulb in my mind. He's a great character, but underrated. Along with a bunch of other characters in Naruto (and you know I'll be working on them—I just posted a list of characters I wanted to do next the other day on my profile, you should definitely check it out if you've missed it).

So I thought to myself, Why not?

And then my thoughts evolved to the next step, How about writing about Tobirama as a sensei?

For starters, I think it'd be nice to delve more into Tobirama's sensei aspect. We never really got to see much of that. Plus, sensei-student relationships aren't awfully common, even today.

And voilà, there you go. The core of the plot.

I'd say I'm more of a writer who goes into the realistic aspects of life, as well as the emotional aspect of humans in general. But it's frankly rather hard to capture emotions just by word alone, and in the process of writing, I've learned a great deal from other writers, and I'm immensely grateful for the experience I've gained from reading and writing. Everyone is so amazing at what they do, it makes me want to work harder to get closer to perfection. Big shout-out to all the amazing writers on Wattpad!

And well, when I published the first few chapters, I never thought I'd be able to gain readers, much less a mini-fanbase like right now. It's a total surprise when I woke up to new notifications on Wattpad one day, which I thought were only updates of other stories and whatnot, until I realized I was looking at my very first reader and supporter, Problems10101. Over the course of a few days and/or weeks, there's NamitaMaryJoseph MidoriSenshi15 Missbitch0 imnotnobodyhehe.

You all gave me the best feedback a writer could ever ask for, and I'm honored to have been able to bring such enjoyable experiences to you through writing. Thank you for rooting for me and being there for me from the very beginning to the very end of this story.

And while this book is finished, I'm nowhere near finished with writing.

So, you know what's next.

For those who haven't checked out the announcement on my page, please do and tell me which character you'd like me to do next right underneath. For those who have already replied, please do stay tuned for future stories!

I'll do my best to cater to you, my dear readers.

Sincerely and best wishes to you all,

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now