Part 41

470 33 19

It's way too early for me to get to bed, but definitely way too late for [y/n].

2AM in the morning, yet she hasn't even showed up.

At first, I thought it was only some sleepover or some all-night party at Sakura's, but things turn out to be way different than I imagined when I called Sakura.

"What?! She's not even home yet?" She's yelling through the phone, sounding nothing like the drowsy kid she was just a split second ago. "Where did you last see her?"


"Damn it," she swears under her breath. The tension doesn't allow either of us room to register the fact that she just swore when talking to a teacher. "Has she called or texted you?"


"Oh God, she'd always text or call if something crops up last minute." The sound of fumbling on the other side. "Are you still at 1408, Tobirama-sensei?"

The slightest hint of panic strikes, but I realize there's no good fretting if we haven't even started thinking things through. "Yes I am. Are you coming over?"

"Yes, sensei. And I think you should fetch Hashirama-sensei too. We need to talk about this."


It doesn't take long for Sakura to arrive.

I'm pretty sure she revved her scooter up to maximum speed, and for that I'm rather impressed by just how she managed to get here without having a single scratch or being caught by the police.

Now it's Sakura, Hashirama, and me at the dining table, under lights that would normally be relaxing.

"Okay, so why don't we think about it as some rare night where she has issues and doesn't want anyone to disturb her?" It's been ten minutes and Hashirama still can't wrap his head around the fact that [y/n]'s disappearance is alarming.

Sakura shakes her head. "[Y/n] never does that. Her way of solving such problems is to write her experiences down in her diary, or speak into a voice recorder. Of course, that's only if no-one else is around for her to talk to. Once that's done, she goes to bed and that's it. She'd never roam outside in the middle of the night."

"It's true," I nod in confirmation. "She's never gone anywhere overnight."

Hashirama looks like someone just splashed a bucket of water in his face.

"What do we do now?" He finally comes round.

"Have you tried calling her?" I ask.

"Yes. But she hasn't answered." Panic and concern flood Sakura's green eyes.

"Same here." I can feel a headache form: that rarely occurs to me, even in the toughest situations. "Any other ideas?"

"Or maybe," Sakura's voice is almost a whisper now, "she's...kidnapped."

It isn't even winter, yet it feels like we all just got an injection of pure ice.

To be honest, I've entertained that possibility.

But I guess I just...can't believe it.

What have you seen of the world to think this as unbelievable? You already know anything can happen, Tobirama. Pull yourself together and save [y/n]!

"I hate to say it, but it's highly probable in this case." We all stare at Hashirama, surprised that he's actually serious for once. "How do we plan on rescuing her when we don't even know her whereabouts?"

That's a valid point. The search could take days. And kami knows where they're holding [y/n].

"Just a sec," Sakura looks to me. "Don't we have Kiba with his dog Akamaru? Akamaru could help track [y/n] down much faster."

It's as if a light bulb just switched on in my brain.

"Yeah!" Hashirama's caught on too. "I remember Akamaru's trained."

"Great, we'll contact him."

"Anyone else you can think of, Sakura?" I straighten up. The mist has finally cleared.

"Naruto, Sasuke, and Rock Lee. We need a couple of fighters." She's already pulling her phone out. "God knows how many men they have."

"Good point." I retrieve a few sets of Bluetooth communication devices, each paired with cameras. "We'll need all the evidence we can get."

"How about Tsunade?" Hashirama asks.

"Ask Teuchi and Ayame." I answer as I work on contacting my battle buddies. "We're going on this mission together."

"Come on, then! No time to waste!"

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu