Part 15

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Like every other day, I come back to 1408 with ramen, dumplings, and juice.

But unlike every other day, I—we, that is—have guests. Guests, meaning not only Hashirama dropped by.

"I'm back, Tobirama. Oh, hey, Hashirama, good to see you again." I enter the dining room, and it's just then that I notice a new visitor: a blond toddler with her hair tied in two short pigtails. She's held steady at the legs by Hashirama, curiosity written all over her face at my entrance.

"Aw, who is this lovely little darling?" I set our dinner down and take a seat opposite the kid.

"Our niece." Hashirama answers.

"Huh?" My brain is stuck for a second.

"First cousin once removed," Tobirama supplies.

"Oh, makes sense now." The toddler seems greatly interested in me as she waddles across the table to sit down right in front of me.

"What's your name, kiddo?"

"Tsu-Tsunade," she answers in the cutest baby voice.

"You're a cutie, Tsunade-chan," I pat her head slightly. Then I rummage in my pockets, having just remembered I had some leftover ame-chans after giving some to Sakura's little brother. "Here," I take one of her hands to put an ame-chan in her chubby little palm. "Take it as a greeting gift, will you?"

Her features brighten a notch. "Thank you, onee-chan! What's your name?"

"[Y/n]." I smile.

Tsunade-chan looks over at Hashirama and Tobirama. "Hashirama-oji-san, Tobirama-oji-san, I like [y/n]-onee-chan!"

I laugh gently. "Thank you, Tsuna-chan. Is it okay if I call you that?" She nods, then begins to crawl at top speed towards me. "Oh, watch it!" I hold her with both hands as she approaches the edge of the table at a dangerous angle. A gentle lift, and she's cradled in my arms. "Be careful, Tsuna-chan, you could have fallen," I admonish her gently, to which she responds with a pout.

"She really likes you," Hashirama grins, watching little Tsuna tug my French braid loose. "Normally she'd steer clear of strangers."

"Aw, I feel lucky," I grin back. "She's really adorable. How old is she?"

"Going on four." Tobirama answers. By this point Tsuna-chan is squishing her cheek against mine.

"Ooh, she's a healthy baby!" I raise her high up in the air, then pull her back to me. I repeat this a few times, making her giggle and laugh in excitement. "Are you hungry, Tsuna-chan? Oh, but I didn't buy anything for you except ame-chans." I frown slightly. "Do you want to go downstairs and buy some food with me?"

She nods, circling her cherubic arms around my neck as she closes in for a smooch on my cheek. "Yes!"

"Alright," I laugh and shift to cradle her in one arm while my other hand reaches for my keys. "Let's go, then." 


As soon as the elevator doors slide open, little Tsuna rushes outside with a gleeful yell.

"Take it slow, Tsuna-chan!" I laugh, following close behind.

"We're gonna buy ramen! And dumplings! And kumqat...kumqu..." Her little face scrunches up as she tries to nail the word.

"Kumquat. Kum-quat." I teach her patiently.

"Yeah! Kumquat juice!"

"You know how to stand in line, don't you, Tsuna-chan?"

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