Part 2

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I've finally finished setting up my room after about one hour.

Moving really is tiring.

I lie spread-eagled on the bed for a while.

This place isn't spacious, but it's comfy. Much better than most apartments out there, in fact. All the basic amenities are in great, if not perfect, condition, and this apartment is conveniently located near school and a bunch of shops, cafes, and plazas.

I make a mental note to thank my parents for the wonderful apartment later.

Besides that, something more important has made its way into my thoughts: I need to go through the syllabus beforehand, before the school year starts. 

With a soft sigh, I draw myself to my feet, open the window, and sit down at the wooden desk.

The first subject I've decided to tackle is Maths—everyone's nightmare, probably except only a select few.

Well, to tell the truth, I'm not that bad at Maths. It's just that it gets tough every now and then for me, which sucks. Of course I can't expect to be a total genius, but this is a challenge I'm determined to overcome so that I can better prepare myself for upcoming exams. 

Hence why I'm flipping through the Maths textbook for the first semester. Surprisingly enough, the syllabus for the first semester seems easy. In a matter of a few hours I've already gone through two lessons, one in Arithmetic and one in Geometry, as well as all exercises from basic to advanced. 

Way to go, [y/n].

I put my pencil down, then do that classic stretch everyone does when they've sat for too long, enjoying the sound of my joints popping. 

I decide to reward myself—it's something I've incorporated into my routine for a year or so now. Once I finish a set goal, or exceed my objectives, I reward myself with something small: maybe a new pencil, pen, or my favorite snack. On the contrary, if I fail to meet my goals at the end of the day, I call off plans with my best friend, Sakura, that weekend, who always loves to drag me out to sit with her at a coffee shop or a park. This tactic has proved to be greatly efficient in helping me develop as an individual.

And yes, Sakura has also landed in Konoha University. She's moving to Konoha later, though, and we've decided to move hangouts to next week.

So what I can do for myself now is to buy myself my favorite snacks—kaya dumplings and kumquat juice. 

I grab my keys, slip on my sandals, then make a beeline for the front door.

Yet, just as I lock my door, the sight of another door on my left stops me in my tracks.

It's only then when it hits me that I had a roommate. And that I barged into his room this morning like an idiot.

It took me all the strength I could muster to just turn away like nobody's business this morning.

Jeez. I swear I could slap myself senseless right then and there.

But it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring him some food, right? As well as an apology.

With that in mind, I race straight down for the snacks stand.


As the elevator doors close, I rearrange the things I just bought, then fish out my keys.

Frankly, I'm surprised and overjoyed to find out that a metropolitan city like this still sells simple snacks and street food. Not even five minutes away is a nice old man Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen. His daughter Ayame runs a sweets and drinks store right next to him. That's where I bought my kaya dumplings and kumquat juice.

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now