Part 24

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When it comes to her favorite guy, Sasori, Sakura just cannot stay calm.

That's the reason why she called me early in the morning, just to urge me to haul ass to Konoha University's archery club.

I ended up fifteen minutes late, after seeing Tsuna-chan off with her parents for the weekend. Once the weekend is over, Tsuna-chan will be back to stay with us.

Sakura's already inside, all geared up.

And of course, skin to skin with Sasori as he instructs her the correct way to pull the bow.

I roll my eyes as I slip my gear on.

I've been to archery clubs before. I'm rather fond of archery too, although I'd say I'm probably just at intermediate level. If archery has a system of levels.

I nod to acknowledge Sasori before taking up an empty slot beside Sakura, not forgetting to give her a jokingly disapproving look.

Arrow on the bow, bowstring stretched back, eyes on the target.


My arrow hits a 7.

Not bad for a warmup.

"Not bad for a warmup," someone voices my thoughts for me.

Surprised (but then, it isn't that much of a surprise really: I've been tipped off by none other than Tobirama last night), I whirl, to find Tobirama approaching me. Behind him is Hashirama, and, somewhat to my dismay, Madara.

"Hi there," I wave and smile, but my smile morphs to a slightly disgusted expression when my eyes land on Madara.

"You look delicious, [y/n]," Madara smirks as his eyes devour me from head to toe.

This club is more into modern archery, but we're required to wear traditional clothing, so I've simply put on my Anteiku uniform. Same effect, less thinking.

Can't believe how he can see through this bundle of clothes.

I pick up an arrow. "If you like to be pierced in the balls, you're welcome to keep saying things like that."

In a flash, everyone is startled, including Madara. That is, everyone except Tobirama, who actually looks approving.

I raise a demanding eyebrow. "What's it with the looks?"

"You're...I never thought you'd be this bold, [y/n]," Hashirama wipes a bit of cold sweat off his brow.

"I don't need to respect a pervert who gets on my nerves," I respond.

Tobirama gives an amused snort.

I take that to mean he's got my back.

"Come on, [y/n], don't be a savage," Madara feigns a pained face. "Although I must say, I love that."

I wonder if he's right in the head.

"Well then," Hashirama switches subjects gracefully just as Madara's about to say something even more disturbing, "why don't we divide into teams and play?"

You're a lifesaver, Hashirama!

I even make a mental note to remember to ask him his favorite snack later.

"How do we team up?" Madara asks.

"The first team is you and me, of course!" Hashirama gets hyped up all of a sudden as he flashes Madara the brightest grin. "The second team," he points to Tobirama and me, who are still standing relatively close to each other, "my little brother Tobirama and you, [y/n]. And the final team, Sakura and Sasori."

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