Part 30

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Seeing Tobirama down with a fever is rare enough as it is. Even worse, the fever has gone on a rampage, and Tobirama's been throwing up every few hours. 

[Y/n] almost stumbles through the front door when news that Tobirama is stuck to the toilet for the umpteenth time made its way to her SMS inbox.

"How is he?!" She almost yells as she rushes in, her school bag thrown in a corner. Tsuna-chan scampers out, her face scrunched up like she's about to cry.

"I don't know, [y/n]-onee-chan, Tobirama-oji-san has been vomiting a lot."

"Any ideas, [y/n]?" Hashirama yells from the bathroom.

"You stay in my room, okay, Tsuna-chan? And remember to keep warm and sleep early," she smiles, the movement stretching her freshly split lip taut.

Little Tsunade nods. "Okay." Then she scampers off to [y/n]'s room.

The minute she sets foot in Tobirama's room, she's overwhelmed by the stench of vomit.

"Have you given him anything to eat, Hashirama?" She stands at the doorway to the toilet.

"Yeah, I did. But I don't know why," he's wiping sweat off his brow. "Could it be food poisoning?"

"Very likely. What did he eat?"

"I fed him porridge. And...wait, there's not much else I actually gave him. Did you eat or drink anything else, Tobirama?"

Tobirama shakes his head feebly.

"Did you cook the food properly, Hashirama?"

Hashirama, for once, doesn't pull that depressed expression on either of them like he usually would. Instead, he seriously considers the question. "Wait...I think I didn't."

[Y/n] pales. "Hashirama!"


"If I...get're dead, Hashirama," Tobirama croaks as he shoots a death glare Hashirama's way.

Hashirama hangs his head.

"Okay, here's a bit of porridge. And some crackers," [y/n] comes through the door with a steaming bowl. "And no tea for the next few days, Tobirama." She passes Hashirama the bowl. "Feed him. It's your chance to atone for your sin." 

"All right—wait, what is that, [y/n]?"

"What's what?" She turns to face him partly.

"Your lip...and your cheekbone..."

At the mention of that, Tobirama straightens in worry as he tries his best to see through the haze of the fever.

It takes her a few seconds to realize he's talking about the bruise and the split lip. "Oh, this? Damn Izuna picked a fight again." 

Hashirama can't help but butt in with a "How'd it go?", earning a painful slap from Tobirama.

She can't decide whether to laugh or yell at them both.

In the end, she opts for the main point. "I broke his leg."

Hashirama's eyes bug. "My, more fights and more injuries."

Tobirama, on the other hand, is extremely supportive. "To hell with those...fucking Uchihas." Despite his condition, he still managed to spit the words "fucking Uchihas". "You did great."

Hashirama turns to Tobirama with a horrified stare. "Now I know where [y/n] got that."

"No, I was born spicy." [Y/n] puts out an imminent argument. "You mess with me, I destroy you." 

Hashirama stares back at [y/n]. "Well, that's a real badass you've got as a roommate, Tobirama. I'm guessing you've gotten into a lot of trouble?" 

"Not unless people pick on me first." A smirk. "But I can help myself. I've kicked plenty's asses."

Hashirama laughs. "That's true. But I thought the deal with Madara was a long while ago?"

At the mention of Madara, [y/n] flinches. "There's actually more. But I didn't think it'd be nice to tell you."

"What?" Tobirama snaps, a bit more strength coming into his voice. "What the fuck has he done again?"

"Um..." She rubs that space between her eyebrows—a habit that tells him he won't like whatever she's going to say next, "...he took up tutoring me in Biology."

"What?!" It's like he's forgotten all about his illness, and he flings the covers away to storm towards [y/n]. Poor Hashirama almost drops the bowl of porridge, and [y/n] cowers slightly as he approaches.

"Tobirama, you still have a fever..." she protests weakly, but his hands are already on her shoulders.

"Did he do anything to you?" He rakes his eyes over her.

She shakes her head. "No. He harassed me on more occasions than one, that's all."

"And what did you do?"

"I did what you taught me." She smiles and holds up a palm. "This."

A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, but vanishes just as fast as it appeared, a scowl taking over. "That son of a bitch." Then all of a sudden coughs wrack through him, and [y/n] hurries to pat him on the back.

"You should go lie down, Tobirama," she says, concerned.

"No," he sounds strangled, "not when that bastard is—" Another bout of coughs, and [y/n] sighs as she guides him back to the bed.

"Slow down, take it easy. We can talk about this later."

"How do you expect me to put this off when he's doing god-awful stuff to my favorite roommate-student?"

"How do you expect me to give two fucks about Madara when my favorite roommate-sensei is seriously ill?"

The realization of his style thrown right back at him freezes his features into surprise at first, but then morphs into a smirk. "That's my line."

She laughs. "Nice line, though, can't help it."

"But what the fuck was the Biology deal all about?"

"Well, I got an F." 

At this, both Hashirama and Tobirama's eyebrows shoot way up.

"What?" She asks tiredly.

"Nothing, just couldn't imagine anything that could give you a heck of a time," Hashirama takes the words right out of Tobirama's mouth.

"Really?" She cracks a wry smile. "Anyway, apparently my good memory doesn't extend to memorizing hundreds of pages of words."

"Well, we get you there. Katsuyu, is it?"


"That's no wonder then. Truth be told, we've picked up a bit of word around the block that Katsuyu isn't that great a teacher, but she does nail Biology exercises that require calculation. On top of that, Madara is her go-to option whenever her students have trouble with their studies."

She sighs. "Guess I'll have to bear with it for now."

"If he ever does anything that's even more outrageous," Tobirama tries his best to speak, "I'm only one call away."

"I'm guessing I'll get to see you beat him up," she laughs.

"Sure," he mutters. "Fucking Uchihas."

Hashirama flinches. "Tobirama!"

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