Part 16

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"[Y/n]-onee-chan, I really like your hair."

It turns out Tsuna-chan's family is relocating to Konoha, so she's staying with Tobirama and [y/n] until her parents can secure a new place to stay.

And of course, Hashirama has taken the chance to stay as well.

"Why don't you get back to your place?" Tobirama crosses his arms.

"Tsuna's here," Hashirama counters simply.

"Then you can take her with you!"

"It's been a long while since I slept with you, little brother!"

"Who said you were sleeping with me? I'd rather have Madara around than you. At least I can torture him."

"That hurts," Hashirama hangs his head, dejected.

Meanwhile, on [y/n]'s side, Tsunade is marveling at [y/n]'s French braid.

"Oh, you mean this?" She runs her hand along the braid, and little Tsunade nods. "This is called a braid."

"Ooh, can I get one? Please," she does those puppy eyes on [y/n].

"Of course you can. Come here, sit," [y/n] laughs as she pats her lap. Tsunade obeys, sitting still as [y/n] unties her pigtails.

"Your hair is a little short, so I won't be able to do the French braid on you just yet," [y/n] informs her. "However," she says, just as Tsunade's face is about to fall, "I can do an even prettier braid for you."

"Really? Okay, [y/n]-onee-chan!" She claps her hands excitedly, and [y/n] gets to work on a waterfall braid.

In the background, Hashirama and Tobirama are still bickering about who gets to sleep with who tonight.

"You can sleep in the dining room." Tobirama sounds irritated.

"Is that how you treat guests, little brother? And your older brother at that." Hashirama sounds even more depressed.

"You don't get to sleep with me. Period."

"Then I'll stay in [y/n]'s room then. I'm sure she'll be amenable."

Tobirama pales for a split second, then all the blood rushes to his face. "Not a chance, you idiot! You're not sleeping with [y/n]."

"I can sleep in her chair."


"Or I can sleep on the floor."

A vein bulges on Tobirama's forehead. "No!" Then, as if he had no choice but to receive a death sentence, he sighs and gives up on the silly argument. "Fine. You can stay in my room."

"Yay!" Hashirama lights up, looking exactly like a kid. Then he looks over at [y/n] and Tsunade, both engrossed in hair business. "Say," he rests his chin in his palm, "[y/n]'s really good with children."

Tobirama gives an approving hum in reply.

"She's probably the only one Tsuna-chan's ever warmed up to, not to mention in a matter of just a few hours. Look at them, all sweet with each other—Tobirama, what's with that goofy smile?"

"Huh?" Tobirama blinks, completely unaware of the smile that just graced his features.

"What the hell were you smiling like an idiot about?" Hashirama's brows are locked tight in perplexity. Then, without warning, he looks like an epiphany just dawned on him. "Oh, I get it! It's what I said about [y/n]—"

"Oh, shut it, Hashirama. You talk too much," Tobirama cuts him off with an unceremonious hand on Hashirama's mouth, hoping desperately [y/n] didn't hear.

How did he ever end up with a brother who just had to be clever at the wrong times?

Just then, Tsunade hops off [y/n] to waddle towards her two uncles. "Hashirama-oji-san, Tobirama-oji-san, look! [Y/n]-onee-chan made me this beautiful...beautiful..." She turns to [y/n] with a look that says help.

[Y/n] giggles. "Braid."

"Yeah, braid!"

The waterfall braid turned out wonderful on her. [Y/n] even took the extra care—and work—to make two braids, one on each side of Tsuna's head, before tying them together to create a braided crown around the back of Tsunade's head.

"You look just like a princess!" Hashirama gives her the thumbs-up.

"[Y/n]-onee-chan, can you do one for yourself? I want to be twins with you!"

[Y/n] laughs. "All right." She unties her frazzled French braid. 

It registers with Tobirama that this is the first time he's seen her let her hair down. Her dark hair looks perfect on her, draping lustrous, thick, and smooth a few inches beneath her shoulders. He knows she never dyes her hair, yet there's still a copper-red tint to it under the lights.


"Do you do all your braids yourself?" Tsuna-chan asks, curious, as [y/n] parts her hair down the middle.


"That's so cool! I want to learn that!"

"I'll show you when you're older." [Y/n] smiles as she moves on to braid the other section of her hair.

"Teach me too, [y/n]! I want to make braids for Tsuna, too! Plus my hair is longer than yours!" Hashirama pipes up.

"Duly noted," [y/n] laughs. She ties both braids together at the back of her head. "Voilà, Tsuna-chan!"

"Yay!" Tsunade yells gleefully.

Tobirama notices that this hairstyle fits [y/n] even better than the French braid she wears every day. Not to say the French braid doesn't go well with her—if anything, he thinks the French braid is a classy one.

"Okay, [y/n], now hurry up and teach me the secrets to a nice braid!"

"Sure, but you'll have to wear a braid for work tomorrow!"



"Ow, ow, ow, Hashirama, you're pulling my hair out!"


Hashirama has demonstrated exceptional skill at braiding his own hair, which is why [y/n] decided to let him try it out on her hair.

But apparently, things didn't go as expected. At all.

"And you made her hair look like a bunch of ugly sausages." Tobirama rubs it in flatly.

[Y/n] doesn't know whether she should feel pissed or find his remark funny.

"Is it that bad?" Hashirama hangs his head again.

Tobirama sighs. "Stand aside." Hashirama obeys immediately, allowing his younger brother to step up.

Everyone watches on in surprise—well, as for [y/n], she can sense him—as Tobirama untangles the shit piece of whatever Hashirama did. Then he deftly takes some of her hair and starts braiding his way down.

He's quick, yet gentle and—surprisingly—deft. He'd make a great masseuse or something, [y/n] adds to herself.

In less than two minutes he's already completed a tight, neat French braid.

"And this," he holds the end of her braid and stares at Hashirama pointedly, "is how you pull off a braid." Then he lets go of her hair, not forgetting to smooth it out carefully.

"Thanks, Tobirama," [y/n] says quietly.

"No problem." He sweeps her hair to the back before retreating to the side.

[Y/n] clears her throat. "Okay, Hashirama, come on. Try again."

Five minutes later, [y/n] is yelling in pain once more. "It hurts, Hashirama!"

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