Part 5

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The door to his room is closed.

I knock on the door. "I'm leaving."

No answer.

He's either in meditation, or he left earlier. Either way, I wouldn't want to barge into his room.

So I pick up my keys, sling on my backpack, and leave for Konoha University.


It seems I've got myself into a motley crew.

Sakura's taking the same classes as me, and we're sitting next to each other—obviously, because that's what best friends do—watching the boys yell their battle cries while throwing things at each other.

"Is this how boys befriend each other?" I ask, greatly amused.

"Apparently yes," Sakura's observing the entire "bro-fight", as we heard them call it, her chin resting on one palm.

"Boys never grow up, do they," I shake my head.

"How about that little brother of yours?"

"Konohamaru?" I bury my face in my hands. "He's just been grounded last week for having sneaked out to play video games."

"Your parents grounded him?"

"Yeah, they did. But guess it couldn't be helped, Konohomaru's being rebellious and he's neglected school work for way too long."

"I get you there," she pats my shoulder.


"And how about your little sister?"

"Ino? Yeah, she's getting on just fine."

"Glad to hear that."

Just then, the door opens and a guy with a scar stretching from this cheek, across the bridge of his nose, all the way to the other one, walks in. He seems completely unfazed by the fray as he sets a bundle of papers down on the desk. Then, calmly still, he reaches for the microphone, gives it a few pats, then announces in a warm tone, "Good morning everyone, I'm Umino Iruka, your Arithmetic teacher."

"Iruka-sensei?!" Some guy yells from the back.

"Naruto?" Iruka-sensei grins.

A blond kid with blue eyes and whiskered cheeks—complete with a dazzling, megawatt grin—runs up to tackle Iruka in a bear hug. "I can't believe it, ya know! You used to be my Maths teacher in elementary!"

"It's great to see you again, Naruto," Iruka pats Naruto's head like he would to his little brother. "Still as disobedient as ever, I see."

Naruto scrunches up his face and sticks out his tongue. "Neh, I've improved, ya know!"

Iruka chuckles. "And that's just about as far as you can get in terms of being obedient. Is everyone in our elementary class here?"

"Yeah!" Naruto lights up as he turns around. "There's Sasuke," he points to a guy with dark hair that flares out at the back of his head (somehow it looks like a duck's ass), "Shikamaru," a guy with his hair tied up and an expression on his face that screams get-me-out-of-here, "Kiba," short-haired with red markings down his face on either cheek. An indignant bark, and I discover a white dog in his lap. "Sorry, Akamaru, won't miss you next time." Naruto grins sheepishly, eliciting a half-indignant, half-satisfied whimper. "Choji," a plump kid who's munching on potato chips, "Shino," sunglasses beneath a dark green hoodie, "Neji," long, dark hair and lavender eyes, "and his sister Hinata." Hinata seems very quiet, with purple hair and the same lavender eyes as Neji.

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat