Part 38

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I'm so sorry guys. Tests, an extremely negative mindset, plus the fact that I just got swindled out of quite a lot of money is weighing heavily on my mind. But anyway, here's the newest update. I hope you guys enjoy it~~~

P.S. If it's a little short, I apologize for that as well. I have a few more tests to go through, I hope you guys understand ><


He makes his way out to the back, his vision a little fuzzy at the edges, slight tremors creeping under his skin.

With a shaky sigh, he leans against the wall. His fingers all but toss his pockets inside out before they finally locate what he needs the most right now: a slim, white cylinder, tipped by brown on one end.

Without even looking to know what he's doing, he pinches the brown end between his index and middle finger, then shoves it between his teeth impatiently. His other hand rummages through another of his pockets, almost desperately, but he just couldn't find that particular object—

"Need a light, buddy?" 

He almost jumps, but quickly regains composure to look towards the speaker.

Another guy, also leaned against the wall just like him, staring straight at him with a piercing blue eye.

"Uh...thanks." He knows he should probably put his guard a little up higher, and he can't help but wonder if the guy really only has one eye or has both but one of them is covered by his wild blond hair, yet he still reaches for the offered lighter anyway.

"No sweat." 

A snap, then an inhale in less than five seconds.

Nothing's better than a rush of nicotine when you need to clear your mind.

"Feeling great, huh?" The stranger speaks up.

"Yeah," he drawls in a satisfied whisper.

A few beats of silence.

"Who are you?"

The blond guy chuckles. "Someone with the same target as you."

"What?" Nothing, not even nicotine, could send such a shot of clarity through his mind like this statement. "What do you mean?"

"[L/n] [y/n]."

At the name, his eyes widen. "How do you—"

"I'm her..." the blond's expression sours slightly, "...victim."

"Victim? Wha—" He sucks a few more times on his cigar, just to let more of that nicotine hit, before he drops it to crush it with the heel of his boot. "She's not the type to bully people."

The blond guy flinches. "Well, she is."

A flash of confusion on the other's face. "She's passive-aggressive, isn't she? Is that what you mean?"

"Wha—" The guy almost chokes. "Passive-aggressive?" A scoff. "Are you even sure that's the right word to describe her?"

"It isn't?" He's equally surprised. "Wait, what the hell?"

"Jeez, whatever. The point is, we're all suffering while she's enjoying life."

"Why would you say so? And you haven't answered my question yet. Who are you exactly? How did you know about me?"

"I have my ways. And by the way," it's the blond's turn to crush his cigarette, "the name's Deidara." 

"Right." He looks Deidara up and down. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You're [y/n]'s ex, aren't you?" Deidara smirks. "Ayato Kirishima."

The guy in front of him, his hair a dark shade of electric blue, seems stunned into silence. It takes a few more moments before he says anything; but when he does, he opts for the more glaring point.

"[Y/n]? But what does she have to do with us?"

"We're suffering while she's at the very top of her human life. Isn't that enough?" 

He clams up instantly.

"There, you've got it, haven't you?"

"It's true...I'm not having the best of times."

"Yeah. I can tell." Deidara sweeps a cursory glance over his tattered clothes. Even past the acrid tang of cigarette smoke, he can still pick up the alcohol rolling off of the guy. "I bet you just got dumped by some chick too."

A bitter laugh. "Yeah, bro."

"So," Deidara shoves his hands into his pockets, "you in?" 

Ayato's jaw clenches. "Sure."

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