Part 9

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Another Friday, another school day gone by.

I'm at the lockers, talking to Sakura about the new sweets shop that just opened at the corner of the street. We're about to leave when Naruto's yell pierces through the bubbly commotion in the hallway.

"[Y/n]-chan, wait up!"

"What is it, Naruto?" It seems he's got a companion. A tall, dark-haired guy in a white shirt, his dark reddish-orange jacket wrapped around his middle, with pants the same color to match, follows Naruto closely. I nod, acknowledging his presence. He nods back.

"I just, you know, the fight with Deidara on Wednesday...I mean your fight..." He's excited to the point where he's tripping over his own words.

I can't help but laugh. "Take it easy, Naruto."

"I'll do the talking," the guy that accompanies him laughs as well. He extends a hand. "First, introductions. I'm Kurama, Naruto's older brother, also a senior at Konoha University."

"Oh, nice to meet you." I shake his hand. "I'm [y/n], Naruto's classmate."

"I heard." Kurama smiles. "Both about you and your fight with Deidara."

"Naruto told you?"

He nods. "From what Naruto said, I figured you're a great fighter."

"Thanks, I guess I'm fairly good." I return the compliment.

"Want to join the practice club? We've opened a dojo for Konoha University students a few years ago. You can fight in any martial arts there."

I've got to say, he's a very straightforward person.

Surprise and excitement rush through me. "Whoa, that's cool! And new, too, I've just heard of it!"

"Not a lot of people are into martial arts, so it's understandable. Anyway, if you're interested, you can try things out this weekend. We're open from 5PM to 9PM every Saturday and Sunday."

"Count me in!"


Before I set off for the practice club, I texted Kurama saying I'd be there. He responded with an enthusiastic Great!, then told me to prepare myself to fight with a few guys, since I'm new here.

To which I replied, Can't wait.

It's been ages since I had blood-pumping fights.

So here I am, in the dojo, watching the others spar away, wondering how I should start.

A shock of blond hair stands out from the crowd, then makes its way towards me.

I already know who it is.

Sure enough, Naruto's blue eyes and megawatt grin come into focus.


"Naruto." I return with a grin of my own as we bump fists.

A glance behind his shoulder reveals a group of people, seemingly having followed Naruto here.

Noticing my questioning look, Naruto turns to introduce me to the gang behind him. "Here's my brother Kurama's squad. I'll get you guys to know each other real quick! Alright, so, ladies first." He indicates two. "Matatabi," a girl with curly, shoulder-length dark hair and electric blue highlights. She may look calm and gentle, but the boss power coming off of her is unmistakable. "Kokuo," a stern girl in white wushu wear with her hair tied in a bun. "There are only two females in the squad, but they're both badass. You won't want to mess with them. Now, the guys. Shukaku," a guy with hair the color of sand and a cool-as-hell dark blue tattoo crawling down one eye. "Isobu," he looks sulky, the eye that's not covered by his hair only half open, showing me a yellow iris. "Son Goku," a bright redhead with austere features. "Saiken," I'd say he's more the bookworm type, but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. "Chomei," I can read the happy-go-lucky attitude just from the first look. "Gyuuki," a guy in a beef-colored jumpsuit with the swag of a rapper. "The final one of the squad is Kurama, who you already know." Naruto concludes with a grin.

"Hi everyone, I'm [l/n] [y/n]." I nod and greet all of them with a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"We heard Kurama talk about you." Matatabi speaks up. "Welcome to the dojo." She smiles.

"We're the staff of the dojo, so if you have any problems, you can always contact us anytime." Son Goku adds.

"Thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to having good relations with everyone." I return the hospitality.

"Definitely, fool, ya fool!" Even Gyuuki's normal way of conversation is in a rap flow.

"Alright, so, where do I start?" I grin as I pop my knuckles. "'Cause I am so ready to kick some ass!"


Two hours later, I'm the only one left standing in the middle of the mat.

Five have challenged me, and they've all lost.

The first two were relatively easy to take down. The last three, though, were tougher. I was most impressed with the last one, though. His name is Rock Lee, and he's always energetic—even more so than Naruto, I can say. He's also got great determination and passion for whatever he does. From what I heard, he's planning to become a P.E. teacher, after his favorite teacher Might Guy, who, when put side by side with Rock Lee, can easily pass as Lee's father.

"You're good," Lee manages to give me a thumbs-up while still sprawled on the ground.

"You're not bad yourself," I extend a hand to help him up.

The dojo staff, complete with Kurama, who joined in somewhere between my second and third spar, have been observing me closely. Naruto was my most enthusiastic supporter, cheering and clapping for me at all times.

"That was eye-opening, [y/n]!" Naruto hops into the dojo. "Not gonna lie, but I'd love to be at your level."

"Thanks for the compliment." I smile. "I'm not that good, though, so don't think too highly of me."

"Not good?" Naruto's eyes bulge. "[Y/n], you just took down five. And the final one is Rock Lee, a P.E. genius!"

"Forget how you've always thought of yourself, [y/n], this is hands down real talent." Kurama supplies.

"Thanks for the compliment," I say again. "But I still have lots to learn."

"If you want, we can always help you out, fool, ya fool." Gyuuki does his signature rapper hand signs.

"Thanks in advance." My smile grows.

Today is one of the best days ever.

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now