Part 18

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"Happy...achoo!...birthday," Hashirama wraps the blankets around himself like a cocoon.

I laugh. "Thanks, Hashi." Over the days the abbreviation has stuck.

"Today's [y/n]-onee-chan's birthday?" Tsuna-chan, wrapped inside her own baby-sized blanket in my lap, looks up at me, surprise written all over her face.

"Yeah, it is." I smile.

"Happy birthday!" She claps her hands and reaches for a hug. I comply with a warm thanks, holding her so that her face is snug against the crook of my neck.

Then I notice someone hasn't come to the table. "Where's Tobirama?"

Hashirama blows his nose loudly. "I don't know...achoo!...He went out early in the morning."

"Hmm, we're about to leave, though. Can we wait for him?"

"That's fine by me...oh, he just texted to tell us not to wait. He's already on the...achoo!...way there."

"All right. Tsuna-chan, you ready? We're going outdoors."

"Yay!" She springs out of her blanket, and I follow close behind to dress her up, laughing all the while.

The rest of my tests produced wonderful results. Biology ended up much better than I expected, and I take that as a sign I should visit a tera soon. And since we wrapped up the first semester just in time for winter break, which coincides with Yuki Matsuri, it makes double sense for us to hit the streets.

The best coincidence of all is, we've decided to go out on my birthday, January 12.

Now I'm waiting with Tsuna-chan (she insisted on staying close to me, cute little thing) for Hashirama to fetch his car—and hopefully stop sneezing.


His eyes are on the road, but his mind...not so much.

He can't stop thinking about the birthmark on [y/n]'s shoulder, the night he treated the wounds she got from protecting Tsunade.

The very minute he saw it, he'd stopped short. But fortunately, he was still able to force himself back to his senses fast enough for [y/n] not to notice.

Anyone can miss that, but not him.

A patch of pastel peach-orange blots that roughly form a check mark, sitting on her right shoulder.

He's seen that birthmark before.

The image is still as vivid as ever.



He hasn't even fully turned when a punch slams right in his jaw.

Shocked and furious, he whirls to glare at the attacker.

It's a boy his age, only taller...and bigger.

He feels the dread empty his insides as his heart sinks into his stomach.

He knows too well who this is.

This is the biggest bully of the school.

"What?" He's instantly on the defensive. "I've already done what you told me!"

"Oh, so you think the deal's done?" The boy scoffs. He takes a domineering step towards the cowering little boy, who backs away. 

"I've done what you asked me to do, and that's enough."

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now