Part 8

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The entire room is plunged into dead silence. Even Deidara's stopped his struggle. Whether he's simply given up or if I owe it to Tobirama's presence, I can't tell.

It takes a good five minutes before anyone reacts.

"Who the hell are you?"

Naruto, ever the first and loudest.

I don't know whether I should laugh or tell him to shut up. To be honest, I myself have a million questions racing through my head at the speed of light: what he's doing here, why he's here, how he's here, is he really Tobirama, as in the roommate I've known for three months—but I force that all down.

It's best not to ask such questions in front of this many people.

His eyes cast a cursory glance around the entire class, linger on Deidara and me shortly, then focus back on Naruto.

"I'm Senju Tobirama, your Geometry teacher."

What the fuck?!

I swear, if they could, my jaws would have broken clean from my face to drop on the floor.

Tobirama. My roommate.

Is also my Geometry teacher.

It's like a bomb just went off in my head and blasted my brain into total shutdown.

For a good two minutes I can only stare at him dumbly, my legs still clamped on Deidara, who's probably passed out.

And I don't know if I really saw it or not, but I think he gave me a small smirk.

"I don't like to drag things longer than they should, so if you don't want to stay here until 7PM, you should all get back to your seats."

It's as if a switch just went on. We all get moving—and, of course, clear up the mess we've made. I let go of Deidara, not forgetting to kick him off the desk, then make my way towards Sakura, still in a slight daze.

She catches the shift in my attitude. "What's wrong, [y/n]?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just...he's the roommate I talked to you about."



"...see you on Friday. Class dismissed."

I've been waiting the entire day for this moment.

I follow Sakura to the door, hoping to disappear as soon as possible, but I'm still a step behind.

"Not you, [y/n] and Deidara. Both of you, stay."

I give Sakura a pleading look, to which she responds with a mouthed "Good luck, I'm waiting for you downstairs".

Shit, here goes nothing.

My fist clenches subconsciously.

I step towards the teacher's desk, a bit nervous. Deidara purposefully elbows my ribs, making me wince.

Tobirama eyes the two of us. "Well?"

Deidara's finger is immediately in my face. "She looked down on me and bullied me!"

I take a deep breath and shove my hands into my pockets, just so I can refrain from giving him a punch that can knock him out until next morning. 

Tobirama listens his entire rant through, sitting still all the while, arms crossed with an emotionless face. When Deidara's finished, he turns to address me. "How about you, [y/n]? Anything to say?"

Here we go again.

I tell him the whole story, leaving nothing out, yet still concise enough to not waste time.

My Roommate Is My Sensei [Tobirama x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now