Guardian (Mute)

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Another day, another mission. The White Masks were making another move and it was once again up to us to stop it. It wasn't a large team needed, just people to infiltrate and weakem their hold so the breachers could get in and handle the rest.

So, Chul, Grace, Nøkk, and I made our way quietly through the building. So far, we hadn't encountered any firefights. Mostly just Chul or Nøkk taking the lead and silently clearing the way.

We had to obtain a drive containing several classified documents and files on the terrorist group's activity before we wiped their system and sieged the building.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Well, I guessed it was good that it was quiet. Meant things were going right, like the quiet before the storm. Or maybe we were in the eye of the storm.

I had no idea, but I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach as we reached the computer containing the data we needed. Grace got to work while the rest of us watched for any guards coming this way.

As soon as Grace would remove the drive, the system would set off an alarm. We knew it was inevitable, as she couldn't find a way around it. The best she could do was have the computer register it was a benign drive while it uploaded the malware.

I took calming breaths, keeping my hands steady as my stomach churned. Something didn't feel right. But I couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, the alarm started blaring as the red emergency lights flashed on. Shouts of commands could be heard as the building rumbled with the entrance of Jordan, Eliza, Zofia, Shuhart and Sebastian (Buck).

Terrorists stormed into the room, flying back as they were met with the waiting force. We drove behind cover as more made their way in.

Now, all we had to do was push them back so we could drive them towards the others and regroup.

I paused, squinting at the smoke from inside the room. Something was moving it. What was it? It was like something invisible kept walking through it.

I tried to push the thought away as I peeked back out, firing at the fresh wave of terrorists. One popped out from behind a pillar, firing quickly in my direction.

I wasn't quick enough to dive back down.

I waited, time slowing down, for the blinding pain I knew would come. I watched the bullet travel through the air, waiting for it to hit it's target. But it never did. I opened them, seeing the smoke quivering and the bullet ping harmlessly off it. I stared at the smoke dispersed, convinced I had seen someone stop that bullet.

I quickly ducked behind cover again, steadying myself before I heard Grace call out for the push. I followed her lead and now I finally saw whatever took that shot for me. Hovering closed to the door we were taking stood.. a woman? No. It was a man, with soft curves and a lean build. His hair was long, split into two braids that ran down his back. Giant wings were folded neatly behind him, though it did nothing to hide the second pair on his lower back.

I could feel him fall in line behind us, sticking extremely close to me. I think he knew I could see him, though he made no attempt to speak to me.

××× Back at the dorms ×××

I had finally gotten home from the debrief and set down at the desk in my room, completely exhausted. My mind was still reeling from what I saw. Whoever that man was disappeared as soon as we left the building.

I was pulled from thoughts as someone knocked on my door.

"Mark, some little lass said she's here to see you," I heard Seamus call. I sighed, telling him to let her come in. I was too tired to fight with anyone.

The door creaked open and shut just as quickly. I turned and stayed quiet as the man from earlier stood in front of me, dressed in loose sweater and slacks rather than the shining, crystalline armour I'd see him in earlier. His hair was still braided, but he lacked the wings from when I saw him.

"A pleasure, Mark. I'm sure you have questions?" He said, his voice laced with a soft accent that I couldn't place. He stared at me, head tilted as he stayed poised by the door.

"Plenty. Who are you? What are you? Why'd you save me back there?" I blurted, leaning back in my chair as I stared at him. He let out a light laugh and I couldn't help the light butterflies that lit up in my stomach.

"I guess introductions are in place. Please, call me Y/n. I'm what you people would consider a guardian angel. Though, we aren't technically supposed to intervene as much as I did, you're a special case. Anyone who serves as you do has more danger in their lives than anyone else, so it is our duty to intervene when we feel necessary, no matter how much. Besides, you're much too young and too brilliant of a mind for this world to lose you," he explained, folding his hands behind his back.

"Did the others see you? Do they have their own 'guardian angels' or am I the only one?"

"Of course the others have them. Why, everyone who works under Harry has one. I only wish that we could protect Harry as we do you. He's in as much danger as you are, with his position," Y/n said with a dejected sigh, shaking his head.

"Huh. So that explains Jordan's luck and why Apha wasn't blow to bits. And why Mike is so.. old," I said with a snicker. He laughed again at that, hiding his face behind his hand.

"Yes, that is right. We have been with you since the day you were born, assigned to protect you just as much as we do now, even as a babe," he said, making his way over and sitting down on the edge of my bed, legs crossed and back ramrod straight.

"So why is it you decided to show up like this now?" I asked with a sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. I couldn't help but think how pretty he was. Could he read my thoughts? God, I hope not.

"Well, usually we have to keep ourselves hidden from our people. But because of what happened earlier, you experienced near death, which allowed you to see beyond. You saw me, since I am your guardian, though I'm sure you could've seen the others. I decided you had questions and since we're allowed to manifest physical forms to interact with you, I figured I'd stop by," Y/n said, staring at me with.. curiousity?

"That.. actually explains a lot. Again. Well, Y/n, I take I'll be seeing you around much more often?" I questioned, giving him a hopeful look. He smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to distract you on the field, now would I?" He snickered, standing up and walking to the door. He paused, glancing over his shoulder. "One more thing, Mark. You can't speak of this to anyone. The only ones you're allowed talking to about it are the ones who are actively aware of our existence."

And with that, he was gone. I stared at my closed door, his faint scent of cinnamon and pine still lingering in the air.


this will be a two part one shot, so part 2 will be out in a bit here

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