Armoured Heart (Rook)

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Walking into the GIGN dorm house, I was surprised to see Gustav sitting on the couch with an unfamiliar man. At the sound of the door opening, Gustav looked up, waving at me before speaking.

"Julien, welcome back. This is Y/n L/n. He's going to be my new medical assistant down in the med bay. He won't be on field, obviously, but he'll be staying here with us. Considering Emma has her own room, Olivier and I share on, do you mind taking in Y/n as your roommate? I asked Gilles, but he said he preferred being alone," he explained, standing up and handing a few papers to Y/n.

"Uh, sure. I don't mind. I'm Julien Nizan, by the way. Callsign is Rook," I said, holding my hand out for Y/n shake. He stared at it wide eyed for a moment for hesitantly shaking it. He's either a shy person or was just working over some sort of fright.

I'll find out soon enough.


"Here, you can put your clothes in on this side of the closet plus your on dresser. I tend to keep to my side, so don't worry too much about me spilling over into yours," I chuckled, pointing out the different things in the room. Y/n had been completely silently, nodding every once and a while whilst fidgeting with his hands. I just assumed he was nervous.

"Hopefully you don't mind me as a room mate. Compared to my coworkers, I'm not out too late, so you might end up back before me," I explained, taking a spot at my desk as Y/n unpacked his things. He only gave a small hum of understanding.

"Y/n, if you don't mind me asking.. Are you just really shy or are you a selective mute?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't know if I was crossing a line or not and wanted to be careful. He glanced at me, studying me with a mildly shocked expression.

"Things happened. I'll open up eventually if I like you enough," he murmured so quietly I barely heard it.

I studied him quietly from across the room as he unpacked and put away all his things. He really was beautiful. I didn't know it at the time, but right there and then in that moment, I had been falling for him already.


Months had gone by at this point. Y/n had slowly opened up to me and started talking to me more than even Gustav, which took everyone by surprise. Tav wasn't mad, he was just happy that Y/n found someone to talk to.

"Hey, Jules. You wanna come watch a movie with me later? They have Blackwidow in theaters and I've been dying to see it," Y/n said as he walked into our room. I always loved it when he called me that, a nickname only he called me.

"Sure! It's my day off, and I already asked the others not to try and call me in. What time is the showing?" I asked, pulling myself away from the papers I had.

"It's in about two hours, so if you want you can start getting ready. I wanna leave about half an hour early," he said as he walked over to his closet to grab a different outfit. He had been working today, and was still in the same blue jumpsuit all medical personnel had to wear while on duty.

"Alright. Let me finish these next few papers and I'll start getting ready."

Honestly, I didn't care about the movie. I was more focused on telling Y/n how I felt. He already knew I swung that way and was okay with it. I just feared that he didn't and it'd ruin our friendship.

But I was going to give it a shot anyways.

××× Y/n's POV ×××

The movie had started already, about an hour ago, actually. But you weren't focused at all. All you could do was keep stealing glances at Julien. When you first met him, you couldn't help but think how cute he was. The thought had taken you off guard but you didn't mind it. You had warmed up to him pretty quick, and with it you fell in love with the man. Later, when you learned that you had a chance with him, you were thrilled.

Now here he was, sitting beside you. You told yourself over and over that you'd tell him tonight after the movie. But you were so nervous about it, you weren't sure if you could actually sya anything.


Later, when the movie was over, you and Julien were walking back to the dorms. It was dark at this point, so you stayed a little closer to him. Your face was flushed at the closeness, but you were enjoying it.

"Hey, Y/n," Julien started, glancing over at you. "When I first met you, I had no idea you'd talk to me so quickly. I'm glad you did, though. Cause I don't think I'd have to the guts to do this otherwise."

With that, he quickly grabbed your hand, stopped you, and pulled you in for a gentle, loving kiss. You didn't hesitate to kiss back, having wanted it for a long time. You were like that for what felt like eternity before you both pulled back, Julien resting his head on your forehead.

"Jules, you have no idea how long I've wanted you to do that," you mumbled, kissing him back. He smiled into it before speaking against your lips.

"Honestly, I didn't think you'd feel the same. Your way out of my league and deserve someone you know will come home everyday. But I promise I'll cherish every moment we have together," he said, giving you a light peck on the temple before leading you back to the dorm.

××× Ten Years Later, Rook's POV ×××

I twisted my ring absentmindedly as I waited for the plane to take off. I was finally going back home after almost two years on duty. I was finally released back home. Back to a certain Y/n Nizan.

Only four years ago we decided on getting married. Y/n had wanted nothing more and I was happy to propose to him.

My only concern was what happened in the two years I was away. Was Y/n still there? Is he cheating on me? Could he have died and I not know? All these questions were eating at me and I could barely handle it. Luckily, before I knew it, I was landed back in the US and on my back to the agency.

Y/n had no idea I was coming home today, so I planned on surprising him.

Y/n was working today, so I had a few hours to plan on what I'd do. I was thinking on surprising him at work, but that was generic. Eventually, after not being able to come up with anything else, I decided on just surprising him at work.

Calling up Tav, I asked him to help me out and he agreed. It gave me about an hour to get everything ready.


When I walked into the building, as the med bay was moved to a separate building so they could implement better equipment, I met up with Tav. He lead me to where Y/n was talking to some of the new interns there. They had gotten a lot more people working in the med bay, which is another reason the expanded to another building.

Tav tapped his shoulder, getting his attention.

"I'll take the interns. For now, there's someone here to see you," he said, smiling at him. Y/n nodded, turning around and freezing in his tracks as he saw me. Dropping the clipboard he'd been carrying, he ran over to me, jumping up and clinging to me like a koala.

"You didn't tell me you were gonna be home today! Why didn't you tell me I would have taken off!" He cried, burying his face into my neck as I laughed, patting his back and holding him close.

"I wanted to surprise honey. Tav and those interns of yours were in on it too," I chuckled, setting him down and settling my hands on his waist. He gaped, turning around and narrowing his eyes at them, who all seemed to be laughing. Gustav was even taking a video.

"You're on thing ice, Kateb. Thin fucking ice," Y/n grumbled before turning back to me and pulling me in for a kiss.

"Next time, tell me when you're back, you hear?"

"Okay, okay. Sure thing."


himhimhimhimhim i was so happy i finally got an idea for him

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