Together Again (Thermite)

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Note: You're married to Thermite (Jordan Trace) nad have taken on his surname. After the accident shown in animation with him and Aruni, you had gone missing. This is the story of how you reunite.

You do have an Operator name that everyone calls you, as nobody knows your actual name.

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"Gustav, you really should take a break. I can handle anything else from here," you said, glancing at the exhausted doctor. He gave you a tired smile before speaking.

"If you insist. I'll finish these papers and be on my way. If you need help though, don't hesitate to call for me," he replied, busying himself with what little papers he had left. You sigh, rolling your eyes. You told yourself you'd check on him in a few minutes to make sure he didn't fall asleep at his desk again.

You left his office, gently shutting the door behind him as you returned to the main part of the med bay. You paused, letting out a loan groan as you saw a certain Marius (Jager) sitting on one of the tables swinging his legs, holding a bleeding arm.

"What did you do now, Marius?" You mumbled, walking over to examine his arm.

"Well, I was working on my ADS in the workshop when a certain breacher came in to work on his gadget. Something went wrong and I kind of panicked and hit my arm on a piece of scrap I had near by," he explained like he wasn't bleeding out. You assumed he was talking about Thermite, one of the few operators here that you knew little of. But he was so strangely familiar to you at the same time.

"You two... Let's get that cut cleaned out and bandaged. And next time make sure that there is no loose metal around you when you're working, you hear?" You scold him as you got to work.

"Ja, ja. You know, O/n, you should really think about joining fully into Rainbow, instead of sitting in the med bay all the time," Marius suggested as he watched me bandage his arm.

"No thank you. That's Gustav's job, not mine. Besides, you've already got both him and Mina (Thunderbird). What next, you gonna take Lera too?"

Marius just laughed at that as I shooed him out of the med bay. After he left, in walked Thermite, still in his infamous hat and goggles. He must have just gotten off a mission.

"Ah, Thermite. What do you need?" You ask him, tilting your head a bit as you fiddled with a locket that was stationed just beneath your shirt. It was given to you by your husband, though you'd been separated from him for a long time. But you kept the locket and your wedding band.

"Ah, I think I burned myself again working on my charges. Scared Marius with it," he explained with a slight chuckle. You sighed, asking him to sit down.

"Your arm, I'm assuming?" You asked, already looking over them.

"Yeah, right one."

You inspected it, clicking your tongue as you spotted a fresh, angry red patch of skin.

"You've really gotta be more careful working on and with your charges, you know that?" You mumbled, pulled up your mask a little more. You always wore it. Nobody except Gustav knew what you truly looked like.

You started to bandage his arm up, Thermite having been quiet this entire time.

"Alright, you're free to go, Thermite. Just be careful and change the bandages after a week."

He only nodded, his goggles off already. You hated how much he just looked like your husband.

You shooed him off before checking on Gustav. You shook your head, seeing him asleep at his desk. You just covered him up a little, not wanting to wake the sleeping doctor.


You lay awake in bet that night, unable to shake the fact that Thermite looked so close to your precious Jordan. You fiddled with the locket, flipping it open and smiling, tears pricking your eyes. Inside was a picture of you and Jordan on your wedding day, both of you smiling like mad men.

You had always wondered what happened to him. Although, there was something about Thermite that made you think you knew more about him than you thought.


The next day you found Gustav sitting at his desk, a mug of coffee in hand.

"I should have listened to you, amie, when you told me to go home," he grumbled. You laughed, shaking your head before getting serious again.

"Hey, Gustav?"


"What's Thermite's name? I've been here for so long but I've never learned it."

He laughed at that, looking at me like I was joking.

"It's Jordan. Jordan Trace if I'm not mistaken. Why do you ask?"

You froze at the name. That's why he was so familiar. He was Jordan.

You ran out of the med bay, Gustav calling after you as you ripped off your mask. You ran to the housing for the FBI, knowing that Therm- Jordan would be there.

Huffing, you quickly knocked on the door. It opened, revealing Eliza (Ash) on the other side.

"O/n? What's wrong?"

"Where Jordan?"

"He's in his room, I'll call him down if you want?"

"Please. And could you leave us for some privacy, if that's okay?"

"Of course. Jordan! O/n needs you down here!" She yelled over her shoulder. You heard a door slamming as Eliza walked away and out of sight.

"O/n? What'd ne-?" He was cut off half way down the stairs, seeing who was standing there. Before you knew it, he had hoped over the railing and ran for you, picking you up and swinging you around. You both laughed out of pure joy, just glad to be in each other's arms.

"Y/n, where have you been? It's been years. Do you know how many nights I sat in our bed waiting for you to come home?" Jordan whispered, holding your face in his hands.

You lean into his touch, tears streaming down your face as you looked at him.

"I.. I had to leave. I got into some trouble with some old aquaitances. They threatened you. I had to leave so you were safe," you explained, barely getting your words out of the sobs racking your body.

Jordan just held you close at that, rocking you back and forth as he stroked your head.

"Well, none of that matters anymore. Your here and you're safe now. That's all I care about," he whispered, pulling away to rest his forehead on yours before pulling you into a deep, loving kiss.

You weren't sure about him, but you definitely missed this.

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