Jealousy (Tachanka)

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××× 💫💕 ×××
Once again, I watched Y/n as he talked and flirted with Sebastian (Buck). Sometimes, I wondered if he knew about my little crush on him. He always seemed to ignore me in favor of flirting with the others. I swear, he's done that with only me, but flirts with every other operator.

That vile feeling rose in my stomach again as I watched them get touchy touchy. Seeing him like that with others hurt, but also enticed a lot of jealousy.

I had to find a way to get him to talk to me, even just a little. Just long enough for me to tell him how I felt.


This turned out to be easier said than done. Y/n pretty much ignored me like I was some pesky crack in the wall that needed no minding. It was driving me nuts.

Currently, he was talkng-- more like flirting-- with Håvard (Ace).

"You know, you're the first person I've met here who knows who to talk to someone," I heard Y/n say, watching as he got cozy with the blonde man. Håvard was clearly liking this a little too much.

"Oh really now? Could've fooled me. With looks like yours I'm surprised not everyone is all over you," he chuckled in response, giving him a sly smirk.

"Maybe they're all too chicken. I for one like myself a big strong hero," y/n sighed, putting a hand on his cheek and staring off, almost like he was dreaming about that someone.

"Well, lucky for you I am a big strong hero," Håvard said, getting way too close to Y/n. Seeing it all was too much, causing me to turn around and leave.

××× Y/n POV ×××

While talking to Håvard, you noticed Aleksandr in the back of the room, eyeing you with a blank expression. You smirked to yourself slightly. You had had the biggest crush on the Russian for the longest time, but didn't want to admit it. He seemed as straight as they came, so you wanted to hear it from him. But Everytime you tried to make him jealous by flirting with the other operators, he just left without doing or saying anything.

You were starting to give up hope.

"Well, lucky for you I am a big strong hero," the Norwegian said. You weren't paying too much mind to him anymore. Yeah, sure he was good looking and was a pretty good friend, but you had you sights set on someone else. And that someone else just left the room. It was starting to get infuriating. Well, you weren't really getting angry. You were getting sad. It broke your heart seeing the man you loved so dearly walk away everytime you tried to push him to say something.

"Hold that thought. I've gotta go," you say abruptly, running off to find a certain Russian.

In your search, you run into Maxim (Kapkan). He was one of Alex's best friend so if anyone knew where he was, it was him.

"Max, have you seen Aleksandr? I need to talk to him," you asked as you stopped him.

"Uh, last I saw he was drinking himself out in his room," he replied, a strange look flitting across his face. Like he knew something.

"Alright, thanks."

××× Tachanka's POV ×××

Sitting on my bed in my room, I downed the last of the bottle. The TV was playing something but I didn't care. I'd given up hope on Y/n ever liking me back.

Well, until I saw my phone light up with a notification. It was from Max.

'Y/n is coming your way. I think he's finally figured it out. When you see Timur (Glaz) and Shurhart (Fuze) tell them they owe me.'

I was a little confused by what he meant, but I cleaned up a bit anyways. Y/n didn't need to know how much I'd had to drink. Just in time, too, as I heard the soft knock of Y/n's distinct pattern before he opened the door to peek in.

Seeing me, he opened it enough to slip in before closing it behind him. He stayed there, something hidden behind his back.


"Hey, Aleksandr. Can I talk to you about something?" He asked sheepishly. My cheeks flushed a little. I always loved how my name rolled off his lips.

"Of course. What is it?" I asked, scooting over so he could sit by me. I gave him plenty of room, yet he sat close to me.

"I need some advice. I.. I like someone but have no clue how to tell them. They're one of the most amazing people I've met. They're strong but they're gentle too. They know just what to say when I'm down and know how to have a good time. Reliable in every way, too," he said, glancing at me.

I could feel my heart shatter, but I didn't let it show, although my voice wavered slightly when I spoke.

"The best I can say is do something simple. Like flowers and a nice day out or something. Whoever this is is lucky to have you," I murmured, focusing in on whatever was on the screen. I hadn't noticed Y/n inspecting what was in his hands that he had hidden behind his back before he spoke.

"Well, guess you consider yourself one lucky guy then, huh."

It took me a moment to realize he was talking about me. I looked at him, eyes wide. He stared right back, smiling softly as he held out a simple chain necklace, a replica of his dog tags hanging off of it.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same. I mean, I hope you do it's why I had these made. But I get it if you don't swing that way, I just thought I'd-"

I cut him off, grabbing his chin and facing it towards me to give him a love filled kiss.

"Y/n, I've loved you since the first mission we served together. I've wanted you to say that for so long but you were always flirting with the others. I always thought you weren't interested in me," I laughed, taking the chain from him and put it on, his tags clicking against my own.

He grinned at me, leaning in for another soft kiss as he shifted to sit in my lap.

"I love you so much. Please don't ever forget it. If you need reassure, just look at what I got engraved on the back of those tags," Y/n murmured as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, allowing me to run my hands through his h/c locks. I glanced at the back of the tags, smiling slightly as I held him closer.

To my prince charming: If you're ever doubting my love for you just look to the moon and know my love extends farther than even that. Forever and always.


× Day Dreams & Nightmares × R6 x Male!readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant