Stress (Mute)

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××× short 💕 ×××

It had been a long few weeks at the agency. Between more frequent attacks from the White Masks and the looming tensions between Rainbow and Night Haven, everyone was stressed. Gustave was doing his best to keep that stress from me, but I could feel it from everyone.

Especially Mark. He was constantly dropping by, making sure I was okay and I wasn't swamped with work. He was more worried about me, even though I cpuld feel the stress radiating off of him. Today was one those days where he had a day off and decided to spend it with me.

"You should really take a break, Y/n. You've been working yourself to the bone since Gustave went off with Olivier and the other GIGN members on that mission back in France," he hummed, rubbing my shoulders as I set aside a recently completed file. I sighed, rubbing my temples as I leaned back in my chair. Once again, I could feel the stress radiating from him, so I set my files aside and sat up, walking across the room. I paused by the door, tilting my head.

"You coming? We're gonna go out for a bit. I can see the stress coming off you, dear," I said, laughing a little at the confused look as he followed me. I was still in my blue jumpsuit uniform, but I didn't really care. I couldn't be bothered to go change.

Leading him out of the building, I took Mark to a plethora of places. We stopped at a nice café to get a bite to eat before we stopped at a pet shop I used to work at. I'd drop by every once and a while to talk to my old coworkers and see the animals. Mark definitely enjoyed seeing all the animals, judging by the bright look on his face and the twinkle in his eyes.

Later, we ended up laying in his bed after I stopped to shower and change, watching a movie. His head was in my lap, barely awake as I ran my fingers through his thick locks. I smiled slightly as looked down at him. He had completely relaxed since this morning, now pretty much limp in my grasp.

As I studied his features, I saw his eyes flutter shut and his chest slowly rising and falling with the deep rythm of sleep. I smiled, carefully turning the movie off and shifting around so I could lay down with waking him. Once I was sure we were both comfortable, I pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

I could tell just how much he had needed this today, and honestly? I needed it, too.

He was the reason I was rarely stressed, after all.


where'd y'all come from what the FUCK i got like a surge of notifications last night 😭😭😭

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