Anything for Him (Yandere!Jackal)

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When I'd first met Y/n, I didn't think much of him. He was just another person I was saving, another life saved from the same fate my brother had. I hadn't really cared until the started working with Gustav. I found myself more and more drawn to him, wanting him for myself. I would do anything to be with him, make him mine.

I would even kill for him.


Walking into the clinic, I held my hand in the other. While working in the workshop, Dominic (Bandit) had been working on his shock wire when some sparks flew and burnt my hand. Obviously I would use this as an excuse to go to the med bay, as he meant I got to see Y/n.

Speaking of, Gustav must of been on a mission, as Y/n was the one locked away in his office, filling in papers while he was out. He had peeked his head out the door, having heard the sound of the opening.

"Ryad! What brings you here this time?" Y/n inquired as he stepped out, slipping the usual white coat over his blue jumpsuit.

"Ah, Dom was messing around with his batteries. Some stray sparks hit me and  burnt my hand," I explained, holding out the injured on to him. He took it carefully in his own, inspecting it. The gesture made my face heat up, always loving any form of contact I could get from him. He worked in silence as he dabbed some sort of ointment cream on it, wrapping it up lightly.

"You know, I haven't properly thanked you. You saved my life. I wouldn't be here without you," he suddenly said, looking up and staring me right in the eyes. Some emotion was wading through the deep e/c of his eyes, but I couldn't figure out what. Adoration? Appreciation? I wanted to say love, but I also didn't want to get my hopes up.

"There is no need, querido. I was simply doing my job," I replied calmly. I noticed Y/n blush furiously as he thought over what he was going to say next. It's a stretch to think, but did he really like me the way I liked him?

"To you, maybe. But to me, you saved me and saved my family from years of grief.. and even financial issues. Without you, I wouldn't be here and my family wouldn't have made it another year. The least I could do is maybe take you out to dinner some day?" He asked tentatively. I was startled by the question but quickly smiled.

"Alright, if you insist."


Later that week, Y/n had taken me to a little diner that he loved going to whenever he could. It was obvious he went here a lot, as the waiters there seemed excited to see him.

"Y/n! It's good to see you again. You brought a friend along, too!" One of the girls exclaimed, happily seating us both. I hated the way she looked at Y/n. Like he was some sort of prize.

"I'm assuming it'll be the usual for you, sugar?" She asked Y/n. He nodded as she turned to me. Something about the way she said it irked me. Made me angry, even.

"Ill have whatever he's getting and a water. Gracias."

With that, she left, shooting Y/n a wink. It made my blood boil. She wasn't going to get away with it.


Months had gone by. In those months, three people had been found dead from suicide. Obviously I knew it wasn't that. They had looked at Y/n like he was all theirs and ripe for the taking. I couldn't just sit around and let them waltz off with him.

It didn't matter. Today would be the day I finally told him how I felt. I had planned on taking Y/n out somewhere nice. I had planned, at least.

What threw me for a loop was spotting Y/n, calling him over and watching him barrel down the hall and throw himself at me. He wrapped his legs around my waist and grabbed my face, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Gustav told me everything. You don't understand how long I've been wanting to do that," he muttered against my lips before pulling me back in for another. I smiled into it, glad I didn't have to worry about him being taken from me.

I promised myself to keep him from others harm and that's what I'll do.


Kinda short but I ran out of ideas again lmao

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