Invincible (Lion)

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××× 💕🖤 ×××

"Oh please, I'll be fine, mon amour. I always am. Besides, I'll have Gustave to keep be patched up. Gilles will make sure I'm covered and that armour Julien has does wonders in a fight," Olivier sighed, rubbing my back gently as I laid against him in bed, not wanting him to leave just yet.

"But how do you know? Something could go wrong! Maybe- Maybe you get separated and then hurt and nobody can find you. Or the armour doesn't work and Gilles gets downed. Why must you leave so soon again?" I sniffed, holding on tighter to him as I buried my face into his chest.

He didn't say anything, only holding me closer. He knew my worries were reasonable. We had almost lost Mina recently because she'd gotten separated from her team and ambushed.

"It's gonna be alright, Y/n. I'll come back one way or another, you hear? I don't know when it'll be or what I'll look like, but I'll be damned if I never get to do this again after I leave," he hummed, gently tilting my head up and off his chest as he gave me a light kiss.


I gripped Olivier's hands tightly, leaning into him as the others finished suiting up.

"I'll come back, okay? I'll text you, call you whenever I can. I'll be okay. I swear it, mon chère. I'll come back to you," he murmured, rubbing my knuckles gently.

"I love you, Ollie," I whispered, my voice streaming against the tears that threatened to fall. He gently grabbed my face, tilting my head to look up at him.

"Je vous aime, Y/n. Don't forget it, okay?" He said, giving me a light, gentle kiss. It wasn't a goodbye. It was a see you later.

And with that, I watched him jog off, securing his mask over his head as he joined the others. He waved goodbye as they took off.


My leg bounced anxiously as I stared at my desk, nibbling at my nails. Gustave had signaled the agency on their way back, mentioning they had a majority injured.

It had been an extraction mission, a dangerous one at that. Of course I wasn't surprised we had injured being transported back. What worried me was the fact Gustave was so vague. He only messaged me what needed to be ready as soon as they landed.

And soon, that time had come. I was rushing the wounded towards our ICU wing, shouting orders down the corridors. I was focused on the operator in front of me, Jordan. He'd gotten a nasty bit of shrapnel stuck in his thigh and a bullet wound to his shoulder. There was bleeding somewhere in his abdomen but I couldn't figure out where just yet.

But there was something nagging at me. When they'd landed, Gistavethad taken extreme care to hide one of the wounded. I didn't think anything of at the moment, thinking he wanted me to focus more on the critical operators.

It hadn't been until everything settled did I realize I hadn't seen Olivier return. Panic stirred in my heart as I searched for him in vain. Eventually, I found Gustave and cornered him, the panic radiating off me in waves.

"Gustave. Where is he?" I whispered, my voice cracking and hoarse. He stared at me a moment before sighing, leading me towards the critical care patients. There were three of them, all GIGN.

It was Gilles, Emmanuelle, and Olivier.

My love looked so broken. Like he was already a corpse. I stared at him, unable to believe what I was seeing. It seemed his arm had gotten broken, maybe even shattered. It was in a heavy cast that matched in the one on his leg. I could see thick bandages wrapping around his torso, a matching one covering his head.

"How bad was it, 'Tav?" I asked quietly, unable to tear my gaze from his. His vitals chimed weakly, but they were there and they were stable. He sighed, rubbing his neck as he thought of how to word it.

"His arm could barely be saved. He got caught in the blast zone of a frag. Leg got broken due to an unknown blunt force trauma. Stray shrapnel in the stomach, narrowly missed his kidneys. One almost hit his heart," he said before pausing, eyes settling on the bandages wrapped tightly around his head. "He.. he took a bullet to the head, Y/n. We're lucky he's not completely brain dead. It just missed his brain, although the bleeding was horrible. We had to put him into a medically induced coma to lower the risk of anything worse happening."

That made me start. I tore my gaze away from Ollie and stared at Gustave instead, pain shimmering in my eyes and the unshed tears that threatened to slip.

He broke my gaze, unable to look at me as he moved away to attend to the others. As he did, I took a seat carefully next to Olivier and just let the tears fall. My body was ravaged by sobs, my breaths coming in ragged wheezes.

I should have known this was a possible outcome. We both knew the risks of this job and we both accepted that this could end up happening. I just never thought it would.

Ollie had always seemed invincible to me. He always pulled through everything, almost always came out unscathed and perfectly fine. What had I'd done to deserve this? He didn't deserve it.

I sniffed, trying to get the tears under control. It only worked slightly.


Months had passed. Gilles and Emma had awoken and were now going through physical therapy to make up for the time they had been bed ridden.

Olivier? He was still in a coma. Despite the fact his vitals were much stronger, almost back to normal, and almost all his wounds had healed, he still wasn't awake. To be honest, I'd been neglecting my other work. I was constantly by Olivier's side, unwilling to leave him in case he woke up.

It was the same situation. I returned from my office after finally giving into Gustave's pleas to get some of my other work done. I was exhausted, to say the least. As usual, I took my silent vigil in the cahir beside Olivier and rested my head on the bed, watching the steady rise and fall of his breathing slowly lulling me to sleep.

×× Lion's POV ××

Waking up to the dim glow of the after hours light is not something you'd get up to everyday. That, and have what felt like cotton stuffed into your head and mouth. I could barely move, but I felt a familiar presence at my side. Looking over, I saw Y/n bent over on a chair, head resting against the bed I was in. He looked awful.

His h/c locks were shaggy and unkempt, purple crescents trimming his e/c eyes. He seemed paler than usual and everything about him screamed exhausted. What had happened? I struggled as I moved my hand to rest on top of his head, gently messing with his hair as I smile slightly.

I heard quiet footsteps and noticed Gustave approaching. He saw me and almost started to say something before I held a finger to my lisp, shushing him as I gestured to the sleeping man beside me.

He glanced at Y/n and nodded in understanding, leaving something by my bedside before promptly leaving.

I wasn't sure what happened, but I was going to get answers.


this is gonna be split into two parts for simplicity.

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