Fairytale (Kapkan)

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Listen to Fairytlae by Alexander Rybak!! It really sets the mood for this

Also, for simplicity sake, it will only be the original ops as gods. (Ex: Doc, the god of health, Ash the goddess of courage and leadership, Rook the god of protection and, etc. Kapkan will be the god of the hunt.Their Op names will be used as their god names

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We were always told growing up to never venture into the forest. It's where the gods of old chose to reside. Those of immense power and little mercy. We were terrified of the forest anyways, what with it's disturbing noises and looking trees of oak and pine.

As we grew older, though, we stopped believing those tales. We came and went, some coming back and venturing into the forest on a dare. Some returned saying they saw something, others came out saying nothing happened.

Which lead me to here, surrounded by my old highschool friends as soon as I came home for a visit from college.

"Come on, Y/n! You know the old god thing is just a fairytale. The worst that's in there are deers," me friend, Mina (Thunderbird), urged, pushing me towards the dark treeline. I fiddled with my necklace, an old pednany from my parents, not really wanting to go in.

See, I grew up worshipping the old gods. It was part of I was. My friends never knew, as both me and my family kept it a secret. We'd be shamed by the entire town, forced to leave it behind.

"Ugh, fine. I'll go. But only for 10 minutes!" I finally groaned, storming into the forest.

Immediately, I felt watched. A thick fog settled in only a few minutes after I entered, making me lose my way. I hugged myself tightly, looking around like a panicked mouse.

"You know, this forest is dangerous to be in alone, especially at night. Don't you know what lurks here?" An unfamiliar voice said, echoing through the trees. I froze, terrified. The voice was accented and calm.

"Don't be so tense. I am only here to help. There are others here who wouldn't be so keen on helping a mortal. But I know who you are, Y/n L/n," the voice said, finally coming from one direction. I spun around to face it, spotting a man decked out in hunting camos, his face a painted smear of greens and browns.

"But how? I've never see. You in my life!" I cried, backing away from him. He simply chuckled at my reaction, calmly walking towards me.

"Oh, but you know me. In fact, I was the patron of the L/n family for the longest time."

It was then, that it clicked into place. I was talking with not only a god, but the same god in which my family and I worshipped devotedly. It was Kapkan, the god of the hunt.

Having learned this, it was a little too much for me. The last thing I remember was someone shouting my name before everything went dark.


Waking up in a slight daze, I jolted up, noticing the unfamiliar surroundings. I was in some sort of lodge, laying on a sofa laiden with furs and pillows. Looking around the room, I saw a fireplace, countless stuffed heads, and a few doors. I shivered, feeling the chill of the fall air leak into the cozy little home. I took one of the fur blankets and wrapped it around me, deciding to stay here. Whoever brought me here didn't seem to be home.

"Okay, good, you're up. You had me a bit worried there for a bit," a familiar voice saidm you looked around, spotting Kapkan entering in from what you assumed would be a workshop door, wiping his dirtied hands with a rag.

"You should get going. There are others here who aren't too friendly. I can guide you back, but I cannot leave this forest. There's too much at risk for me to do so," he explained, tossing the rag on a counter. He was dressed casually now, which took you off guard. He was had a white shirt, a jean jacket and pair of dark jean slacks. You expected him to wear something a little more fancy, considering he was a god an all.

(Kapkan definitely dresses like Dena Winchester you can't change my mind)

"Thank you. For keeping me save. My friends are already probably freaking out by now," I murmured, standing up slowly. He gave me a small smil and nod, letting me leave first as I pulled my jacket over my head.


Having talked the entire way back, I was kind of sad to leave. I sighed a bit, stuffing my hands into my pockets. Before I left, I turned and faced him.

"Do you think I could come and visit some time? I kind of liked having your company," I asked sheepishly, not looking him in the face. I got a chuckeld from him, and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

"Of course. Here, take this. Everytime you cross the treeline, I will know and you will be under my protection. You can come see me anytime," Kapkan explained, holding out a talisman necklace. I looked at him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to stop by whenever I can," I promised, giving him a slight wave before walking out.

××× Kapkans POV ×××

It had been about three years now since I'd run into Y/n in the woods. I was estatic to learn he wanted to spend more time with me, as I'd always been watching him from afar, admiring him.

Yes, I'm willing to admit I might have a small crush on the mortal, but could you blame me? Y/n was one of those guys that didn't talk much but just commanded respect. Plus, he was cute and totally my type. Either way, I still hadn't made any move on him. Honestly, I didn't even know if he sees me like that and that's what scared me. Yeah, I may be a god, but I still got nervous and I still had standards. I wasn't going to force Y/n into anything he didn't want. Thank the gods that I didn't have to do it though.

"Hey Kapkan, do the gods ever fall in love with mortals?" He had asked one day out of the blue. It took me off guard but I laughed it off.

"Only a select few. Tachanka and Pulse are some of them. The others are bit more complicated. I happen to be one of them, unfortunately," I explained to him, immediately noticing him tense up. It was like he was juggling something in his mind.

"Then I supposed you wouldn't mind me doing this then, would you? At least, I hope I don't get smited or something," he had laughed before grabbing my hand and pulling me in for a kiss. I wasn't expecting it, but I was elated at the feeling of his soft lips against my rougher ones.

He pulled away, a stupid love struck grin on his face.

"So I guess I really did just fall in love with a fairytale, huh?"



also y'all should request more I'm running out of ideas

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