Warmth (Mira)

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Upon returning home, I was greeting the strong smell of some very familiar cooking. The house was filled with the sharp scents of spices and the sound of sizzling meat. The quiet thumping of a knife against the cutting board as it sliced through vegetables.

I dropped my bag quietly by the door, shutting the thing behind me as quietly as I could. She had no idea I was back yet as I had wanted to make this a surprise.

I slowly creeped into the kitchen, smiling at the sight. There she stood, my beautiful wife, in front of the counter, her back turned towards me. Her curled hair pulled back in a clip as she chopped the food below her, leaving the skillet of what looked like shrimp to cook.

I waited for her to put the knife down before snaking my hands around her hips, burying my head gently into the crook of her neck. She laughed, leaning into me.

"You are terrible at sneaking up on people, you know that? I'm glad you've returned, cariño," Elena said with a laugh. I snorted, pulling back to see the rest of the food.

"What're you making?" I asked, snagging one of the cooked shrimp.

"Don't eat it yet! And I'm making gambas al ajillo. My mamá used to make it for me all the time," she said, scolded me as I popped the shrimp into my mouth.

"Well, it tastes amazing so far. Did you know I'd be back today?" I murmured, leaninf against the island counter. She nodded as she turned the heat off.

"You deployed with Ryad, remember? He texted me soon as you guys landed and said you were on your way home. Gave me time to make all this," she explained, gesturing to the now plated food. I grinned, giving her a chaste kiss before grabbing a plate.

"Have I mentioned I love your cooking? And you, of course. But also your cooking," I teased. She only rolled her eyes, grabbing her own plate.

We sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. When we were finished eating, she asked me how the operation went. I told her as we got ready for the night.

"Although, would you believe if I said Ryad might have found someone he's taken a liking to?" I mentioned. Elena seemed surprised at that, looking at me as she waited for more.

"Yeah- he's another operator. Came in from the country's special forces. Turns out, he'd heard of Rainbow before and was curious. Ryad and him were inseparable the entire time. Ended up getting each other's number," i explained. She smiled, sliding up next to me under the covers.

"I'm happy for him. I'm glad he found someone. Although, I think I took the best one out there," Elena said with a giggle, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek as we huddled under the blankets, sharing each other's warmth and letting it cover us in sleep.


ily guys ik ive been gone for a while and ik this is a short one, but i figured it's better than nothing :))

hope you guys enjoy!!!! and i swear im not dead, just busy

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