Beloved Idiot (Ace)

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××× Short 💕 ×××

I heard gentle humming floating out of the open kitchen window as I made my way up the steps to the familiar home. The smell of fresh brownies and dinner filled the home, making me smile as I pulled the front door open. I heard a pan drop and the sound of scurrying feet as my lover leapt into my arms.

Y/n held me tight, smiling at me with so much love and adoration I wondered for a moment if it was truly a look reserved only for me.

"Tav didn't tell me you would be back today! I thought you weren't supposed to be check back in until tomorrow," he exclaimed as he dragged me towards the kitchen, where I was welcomed with what had approved a dinner planned for one- and a dog, who was excitedly skittering around our ankles. The black lab resisted jumping up, his whimpers and whines letting him know how much he missed me.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. After all, that's my last briefing for a while," I hummed, taking his hand in mine as I twisted the engagement ring around his finger before pressing a kiss to his hand. He gave me a soft smile, giving me a light kiss before returning to the abandoned dishes.

"You're lucky I planned on having leftovers for when you got back. I figured I'd have some saved for you if I wasn't back home when you were," he explained as he made sure everything was finished and thoroughly cooked.

"Well, it smells amazing," I said with a smile, grabbing the plates out of the cupboard and setting them down as I helped him set the table.

"Hopefully it tastes just as good. You startled me when you came in, you know. You're lucky nothing broke," he scolded, shooting me a look. I laughed a little, giving him a little kiss which wiped the look from his face.

"Whatever. Just sit down and eat, yeah? You've got to do your briefing tomorrow right? You're gonna wanna be well rested and fed," Y/n insisted, gesturing to where I usually sat. The dog took his dutiful spot next to me, giving me the classic puppy eyes as he begged for food.

"Yeah, I guess I do have my briefing tomorrow. But I have a grace period and I think Harry would understand if I decided to spend the day with you instead, don't you think? Or I'll just tell him I'm oh so jet lagged and I'm absolutely exhausted!" I dramatically gasped, placing a hand against my head in fake faintness. Y/n snickered at this, hiding his face behind a hand.

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot!"


here u go i know u hungry here go

i swear im not dead ive just been on an apex/horizon kick. ill probs get more inspo when vector glare releases. maybe. hopefully

okay bye love you guys

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