No Warning (Maestro)

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Being in the military wasn't easy, especially when you're in an elite counter terrorism organization. This also makes it extremely difficult to keep a relationship.

But nobody told me about Y/n. Had I known what he would become to me, I would have avoided him. He came here to Rainbow with Mina, working as an assistant under Gustav. Although excelling at the skills needed, both Six and Y/n had decided it was better to stay at the agency and only be called on when they need extra medical hands. Looking at that now, I don't think I could be more relieved by the fact Y/n was never sent on suicide missions or had to risk his life every other week.

But no one ever warned me who he was. He was an angel among men and that much was obvious. He made time for everyone at the agency and was there for everyone of us. Everyone liked Y/n, and I'm sure more than one fell for him like I did.

I still remember when Y/n had first asked me out. He was all flustered and trembling, too scared to look me in the eyes as he handed me a hand written note before running off red like some school girl. I had only smiled after him, taking time to read the note. I had to read it twice, then a third time, unable to believe my eyes.

'I'm gonna cut to it. I like you Adriano. More than I should and I just wanted to know if maybe you'd like to go out sometime? Meet me at my room if so.

-xo, Y/n'

I could see the amount of times he had written and erased, the paper worn by the eraser. He really put his courage in this note.

Grinning from ear to ear, I quickly changed out of my uniform and into casual wear as I almost sprinted to his room. Knocking on his door, I heard hesitant shuffles and then the clicking of a lock. As soon as the door opened, I reached for him, pulling him in close for a sweet kiss. He had quickly returned it, his arms tightening around me in a hug as we pulled away from each other.

"Of every person here, you chose me. Why?" I asked quietly as he had lead me in to see down, occupying the spot right next to me.

"Because, Adrian. You're the only who doesn't come to me just for help. You made time to talk to me about things outside of work or any of our personal problems. Not to mention you always help me anytime you're off," he explained, taking my hand in his as he played around with it. "Not to mention you're the hottest one here," he snickered behind his hand. I rolled my eyes, a light blush and smile adorning my face.

"Whatever. I'm surprised you didn't ask Gustav out. You two are almost joined at the hips, I swear," I said with a laugh. It was true. When Gustav wasn't deployed, him and Y/n were together every waking second.

"Tav is a good friend and more of brother. He's even admitted that I'm like a little brother to him," Y/n had said. This made me a little more relaxed.

We had talked the rest of the night before Y/n invited me to stay with him for the night. Curled up there in that bed, Y/n in my arms, safe and asleep, I don't think I could have been happier in that moment.

And now, I watched, a few years later, as Y/n walked calmly down the isle. There were tears glittering in his e/c eyes, and I was sure mine looked the same. I had waited everyday since I first realized I fell in love with this kid for this day. It was here, and honestly? I was terrified. I was happy, but I was so, so scared that Y/n might change his mind or someone might oppose.

But I needed not worry. When I met eyes with Y/n, I was overwhelmed by just how much love there was hiding in those e/c seas.

As the officiant droned on, I could only thing about how good Y/n L/n sounded as Y/n Martello. And finally, before I knew it, I was kissing Y/n just like I had the very first time he asked me out. As I pulled away, tears were racing down his face as he wiped my away.

Later at the reception, he was by my side the entire time, his hand almost never straying from mine. I couldn't stop staring at our wedding bands, knowing they'd be there for a long, long time.


Returning home from my very last mission was nerve racking. My mind was only on my beloved husband and the amount of free time we'd have together now. He was still working at Rainbow, now head for a medical team there after Gustav retired, retreating back to France with the rest of the GIGN (excluding Emmanuelle and Julien), even leaving with Olivier.

Having already pulled up the agency, I saw a certain someone waiting for me, his h/c peppered with grey streaks. Getting out of the car, I smiled, running as he met me in the middle, arms clinging to my shoulders as I swung him around. We didn't say anything, but we exchanged numerous kisses before heading into the agency. In two days, we'd have a little party, celebrating my retirement. We were getting everyone in on it, even the ones who retired. Mike was flying back in from the UK, Jalal was unable to make it, but they were making arrangements to have a little video call for him. The GIGN we're flying in from France, Aleksandr and Maxim were coming in from Russia. We even convinced Chul and Liu (Lesion) to come over from Asia. Hell, even Sam was gonna come for it!

It was going to be just like everyone else's retirement parties, but I was the happiest man in the world. I get to spend the rest of my days with Y/n without the threat of my death out on the field hanging over our heads.

That night, with Y/n curled up beside me, I realized how lucky I truly was. I lived all the way to retirement in a military job, married the man I love the most, and I got the joy of saying I have saved countless lives. Wouldn't be happy they got so lucky?

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