Gym Buddy (Tachanka)

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Smack. Smack. Smack.

The sound of sweaty hands slamming into the old punching bag filled the room. I had my mind on little else than him. My body went through the motions as all I could see was Gustave's assistance.

Perfect, sweet, loving Y/n. Gentle, caring, and yet at strong and merciless as an ocean. He was a steady pillar here at the agency. Everyone knew it. I remembered when he'd first arrived here, joining us when Håvard was signed on.

I remember him being so quiet back then. A scowling presence in the back of a room. He'd learned to open up after a while, becoming the person we knew today.

Who was I to think I had a chance with him? He had to have someone special. I've seen the way he talks to Jordan. Maybes it's him. But it could also be Mina. Those two are almost inseparable. I'd suggest Gustave, but he was with Olivier. We all knew that.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized someone had entered. Or that a certain someone was gently restraining my arms. I blinked, staring at the bloodied knuckles as Y/n gave me a worried look.

"Timur said you'd been here for a while. Are you okay, Aleksandr?" He asked, his voice soft as he led me away from the bag and to one of the benches, quietly dabbing at the busted knuckles.

"Da, I'm fine. Timur worries too much. I guess I just got a little too lost in my thoughts. It happens when I do this kind of stuff alone," I explained, my voice low as I gestured towards the now still punching bag.

"Do you need a gym buddy then? If you keep doing this, you're going to seriously hurt yourself," Y/n scolded, reaching into the first aid kit he had grabbed and snagged the gauze, wrapping it carefully around my hands.

"I think I'll be fine without someone here. It's not the first time I've gotten carried away," I said, although I couldn't help but yearn for him to be with me all the time, even if it was just training.

"Are you sure? Doing this all the time isn't good for your body. For instance, your knuckles," he murmured, taking my hand is in own, carefully running his fingers across them.

"They are tough, but there's only so much damage they can take. You can bust a ligament or tendon. In your arms, the muscles are strong and yet if you overwork them you risk snapping them," Y/n continued, tracing his hand hand up my arm as he pointed out what could happen.

"It is what makes humans human. We are strong, yet fragile. We are resilient and yet one wrong step can cause extreme damage. Just as we feel emotions, some of those are bad. Some are good. Some bring us hurt and others joy and content. That is why we must take care of ourselves. That is why we must listen to our brain and our heart, not one or the other" he whispered, finally looking me in the eyes.

I didn't say anything in the moment, but I grabbed his hands. His hands that were so much softer and gentler than my own, calloused and rough. I thought of what to say, watching as his glittering e/c eyes searched mine.

"Look, Y/n, there's something I need to tell you," I murmured, unsure of how to word it.

I didn't have to, it turns out. He laughed, a light and birdsong thing, flashing me a bright smile as he pressed a quick kiss to my cheek. When he pulled back, he laughed again at the shock I'm sure was plastered on my face.

He went to get up, still smiling before I grabbed him, pulling him back down as I cupped his face, giving him a proper kiss. Smiling against his lips, we stayed like that a moment before breaking apart.

"So, now do you want a gym buddy?" Y/n asked. I could only nod, amazed that Y/n felt the same about me.

Sweet, gentle, caring Y/n loved the rough, loud, cold me.


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