Memories (Cover Fire Pt. 2)

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Everyday since Y/n had fallen into his coma, Max hadn't left his side. He only left when he was called away for duty and that was it. We had decided on moving Y/n back to the med bay so I could keep a close eye on him and Max could stay within the dorms. I was worried about him, honestly. He barely ate, never talked anymore, he always had this air of defeat and looked haggard every second he was awake.

He didn't seem to perk up until Y/n woke up. But it wasn't for long.

××× Y/n's POV ×××

Waking up to the blinding white lights of a med bay were not pleasant. I felt like shit, but had no clue why. Why did I feel so weak? I opened my mouth to talk but only a croak erupted from the effort. However, the sound did grab the attention of two people. Two men, who were talking just a little ways away, turned to look at me.

The smaller of the two, a worn down and weary man with a scruffy beard and gingery hair immediately rushed over. The other walked over slower, his salt and pepper hair much neater and his face didn't have any evident stubble

"Oh thank god, you're up Y/n! It's been so long.. I was getting scared you wouldn't wake up," the smaller on said, latching onto my hand tightly. I furrowed my brows, pulling my hand away as I stared at him. Something nagged at me saying I knew him, but everything else screamed that he was a stranger

I barely managed to find my voice, saying, "What happened? I'm sorry, but I don't know either of you. You seem familiar, but I don't know you I'm sorry."

The look on the ginger man's face fell, his eyes going wide and his lips parting slightly, like something snapped in him. He stood up, shoulders and head dropping as he left the room. The doctor sighed, sitting next to me as he explained what happened.

"Your name is Y/n L/n, if you don't mind remember and your callsign O/n. You were my assistant here at the med bay for an agency called Rainbow Six. You were called out to help a siege and whilst trying to move Ryad, also knowned as Jackal, out of the danger, you were shot. Your body couldn't handle it and you slipped into a coma. I am doctor Gustav Kateb, callsign Doc. You always called me Tav, so I don't see why it should change. The man who just left is Max Goose , callsign Mozzie. He is.. was your best friend. Even had a little crush on you. He's been here ever since you got shot and hadn't left for anything other than being called away for duty. That's the first I've seen him leave on his own accord," Tav explained gently and slowly, allowing me to process this information.

"So you're telling me I have localized dissociative amnesia? I remember mostly everything about this place and that I worked here, but... But I don't remember anyone here. You all seem very familiar, so I guess I knew you all somehow," I rasped, sitting up slowly, wincing at how sore and weak I was.

"That seems to be it. Me and the rest of the medical staff are trying to figure out ways to help coax the memories back. But I would start with Max. I've never seen him so beat up about anything," he said before standing up, moving to walk away. "Your therapy is going to start tomorrow. If you need anyone or anything, there's a list of names and their numbers on that list there. They all have a bit about who they are, too."

I watched as he left, a slight guilt hanging around my heart. I knew it wasn't my fault I forgot everyone, but I still blamed myself.

First, I wanted to talk to the man I saved. Then I'll get around to the whole Max situation.


"You really did save my life. Had you not dragged me out of there I would have been as good as dead," Ryad said after explaining things from his perspective. "You're a hero to a lot of people here, amigo."

I nodded slightly, smiling at him. It made me feel a little better, knowing I saved so many. Ryad patted my arm lightly, standing up.

"I'll get Max for you. I know you want to talk to him and he's been antsy, trying to find a reason to come back here," he spoke quietly before heading off. About five minutes later, Max came crashing into the room, almost stumbling over his boots. He quickly sat down by the bed and waited for me to say something.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you, Max. But I know you were important to me some how. 'Tav gave me my phone back and judging from all the pictures we have together I'm assuming we've known each other for a long time. Though I don't have any memories of the past, I would like to make new ones with you. If that's alright, of course," I mumbled quietly, not meeting his gaze. I suddenly felt a gentle, calloused hand grasp mine and I turned to look at him. His eyes were watery, his lip quivering as he spoke.

"Of course, Y/n. You may not remember me, but I remember you and how important you are to me. It'll take some getting used to, but I'll be damned if I let this opportunity go," he said, determination rippling in his eyes as tears fell down his face quietly. I could only give him a slight smile.

××× 2 years later, Mozzies POV ×××

It had been two years since Y/n woke up. Two years of new memories with him. Although it wasn't the same, I couldn't be happier. He was alive and spending time with me and that's all that mattered to me. But what worried me was that he's going on his first mission since he woke up. He's nervous, but he's confident he can do it. All he has to do is retrieve one of the wounded captains from an attack in Mexico. He wanted me there with him, but I wasn't able to go. It upsets him, but he understood.

When he returned two months later, a thick bandage wrapped around his head, I thought the worse. He'd been hit again and doesn't remember anything this time. However, I was surprised in the best way possible when he spotted me. His eyes widened, the beauty of his e/c irises swimming with tears as he ran at me, tackling me in a hug.

"I'm so, so sorry Max. It was stupid of me thinking I could get Ryad out on my own. I almost forgot you and could have forgotten you again because of another injury. I promise I'll be more careful next time," he rambled, ending it by grabbing my face and pulling me in for a heated kiss that lasted way too short for my liking. "In case I never get the chance to do that again."

I was quiet with surprise before laughing, picking him up by the waist and spinning him around. This was everything I could have imagined.

"Promise me you won't go on anymore dangerous missions," I murmured into his wear as I rested my face in the crook of his neck, hands resting on his hips. I felt him nod against me. I couldn't see it, but I knew he was smiling.


hopefully this lives up to your standards!! i felt bad for hurting mozzie so i think he deserves this

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