And They Were Roommates (Fuse)

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××× 💕🌟 ×××

Walking into the apartment, I heard the quiet humming of my roommate, Y/n. We'd been friends through highschool and agreed to go to the same college and share an apartment. It wasn't bad, sharing at a place with my best friend. And honestly? Crush.

Yeah, despite knowing Y/n was straight, even having a girlfriend, I couldn't help but find myself attracted to him. Could you blame me? He was selfless, brave in every form, not to mention he can cook and he looks fine as hell.

I spotted Y/n in the kitchen, his mood unusually somber despite the quiet humming as he cooked. He had a far away look in his eyes, seemingly distracted.

"Worried about Professor Baker's test? Heard it's a bitch to pass," I asked gently, giving him room to avoid whatever was really bothering.

"Yeah, sort of. I don't know, this unit for his class is not my strong suit. I don't know why I'm still taking his stupid class," he mumbled, turning off the stove.

"I don't know. Anyways, what're you making today?" I inquire, trying to get a look at the food.

"It's a traditional Ukrainian dish, actually. I know you've had a rough week, so I thought maybe it might you cheer you up," he admitted sheepishly, not meeting my gaze as I laid eyes upon the most delicious looking food I'd ever seen.

"And you made all this just cause I was having a bad week?" I asked, genuinely stunned. Y/n was kind, but he never really went out of his way to learn how to make new food just to cheer someone up.

"Yeah. Hopefully it's edible. I've never really made any other traditional dishes besides mine," he said, fixing me a plate of it. I quickly grabbed it, excited to taste it.

As soon as I took the first bite, I was in love. It reminded me of the food my mother made me back at home. It had just the right amount of spice in it, too.

"It's perfect, Y/n," I managed to say through a mouth full of steaming food. He laughed, sitting down across from me as he ate his much slower.

We ate in a comfortable silence, Y/n seeming a bit happier. After a while though,this smile fell and he started pushing around his food. Concerned, I asked him what's wrong.

"Look, Shuhrat, there's something I need to tell you. All I ask is that is doesn't change anything between us," he whispered, not daring to meet my eyes. I tip my head, waiting for him to continue.

"I know, you're probably straight. You also probably think I am, too, considering I have- had a girlfriend. But I don't feel that way. Not towards girls. You, however," he started, breaking off with a laugh. He stood up, clearing his spot and shaking his head.

"Forget I said anything."


I lay in bed that night, my heart racing. What has Y/n been trying to say to me? Did he.. did he like guys the way I did? Was there a slim chance he felt the same about me?

I didn't let myself getting my hopes up, however. The last time it happened I spiraled deep, and Y/n could barely pull me out of it. It was honestly the big reason I fell for him. He pulled me out of one of my worst times and stuck with me after.

But maybe there was a chance? I told myself I'd ask him tomorrow.

××× Next morning, Y/n's POV ×××

Humming quietly to myself as I made up some breakfast for Shuhrat, as he had morning classes, I thought back to last night and paused. My face raged at it. I couldn't believe I almost I told him how I felt. But.. he looked like he was excited. Maybe he liked me, too? Maybe. I'll find out after breakfast.

Hearing the floorboards creak, I peeked around to look into the living room, seeing Shuhrat sulking into the kitchen, perking up to the smell of breakfast.

"You didn't have to, Y/n. I know you were up late last night," he mumbled, smiling at me as I handed him a plate.

"Don't worry about it. You know I like cooking for anyone, especially you," I said, smiling right back at him. His grin only grew wider as he started eating.

It was a comfortable quiet again as he ate and I cleaned up. I paused, remembering there were a few things I had to tell him yet. I leaned against the counter, facing him.

"I got accepted to study under Dr. Kateb," I stated, waiting patiently for his reaction. He seemed surprised before glancing at me.

"Really? That's amazing! Are you going to finish out the semester here and go study under him come next fall?" He asked, tipping his head to the side. I nibbles my lip, unsure how to tell him.

"I'm- I'm leaving next month," I mumbled, looking away from him. It was quiet before he finally spoke, pushing his chair back with a scrape.

"How long did you know?"

"I found out last night, after you went to bed. That's why I was up so late," I explained, finally looking up to see him standing extremely close to me. He'd trapped me with his arms on either side of me, leaning in towards the counter. Seeming to search my eyes something, it was clear whatever answer he was searching for was found as he dipped to plant a hesitant kiss on my lips. I smiled into it, quickly pulling him back into one as he pulled away to leave.

He laughed a little, settling his hands on my hips as he rested he forehead on mine.

"I wasn't going to let you leave without doing that," Shuhrat mumbled, pressing a kiss to my nose.

"Okay, to be honest? I might have convinced Dr. Kateb to let me bring you with me. You know how you wanted to work with some old friends of yours? Turns out they're in the same area," I said, watching his face light up.

"You're telling me you not only got accepted to study with Gustave Kateb, but also got me permission to work with Maxim, Aleksandr, and Timur?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded, watching him get all excited. He laughed, picking me up and swinging me around a bit.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

"Mmm, maybe. You should say it again just for good measure."


definitely didnt finish this in study hall when i should be working on math and physics homework

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