Dead Space ( Lion )

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hi!!! okay, so this is gonna be p much a mass effect AU. if you've ever played or seen videos on it, good because im gonna explain is horribly. its gonna be 6 years after me3, with y/n having 'died' in the fight with the reapers and all. BUT plot twist he somehow survived it (kind of like shep in the perfect ending/y/n could have been one of the pilots that manages to escape on a pod) and eventually came into contact with the Alliance while barely alive. so then Olivier gets a call from a friend and boom reunited.

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Y/n's POV

I don't know how long I've been stranded here. The food has been barely edible and I haven't dated tried for anything else now that most of the medicine is gone. I sent up a distress call ages ago, but that's when we were still fighting the reapers. It could have been lost and nobody knew I was out here. But I waited. I never considered sending it out again until recently. Would they get it? Do they think I'm alive or did they lost me KIA like they did Shepard all those years ago?

I didn't know. What I did know what that the hunger and thirst was getting to me. That, and I'm almost sure I've caught something nasty. I've been too scared to sleep the last few nights in fear of not waking up. What if they did hear my most recent call and they're on their way? I'm so close to getting off this cursed planet.

But, maybe a few moments of rest wouldn't hurt. I'm sure I'll be fine.

I watched as the world slowly blinked around me, not noticing the shuttle hurtling towards my little camp.

××× Doc's POV ×××

"His vitals are critical, we need to get him back to Earth now or else he's not going to last much longer," I yelled to the rest of my team. I knew this kid. It was Y/n L/n. Despite the gaunt, hollow look on his bearded and dirtied face, I knew it was him. He was one of my best friends and even closer to a certain Flament. Gone six years and considered KIA, this was a miracle. Only, would it be a miracle Olivier believes?

"Get him stabilized and en route for Earth. And someone get me in contact with Major Flament," I called out, watching the sick man be carried away.

××× Olivier's POV ×××

"Gustav? What's the emergency?" I asked, catching up with him in the hospital hall.

"You know that distress single we picked up, right? The one on that undiscovered planet?" He said, staring at the door of one of the rooms.

"Yeah, what about it? Did it turn out to be anything?"

"It was. A survivor of the Reaper war," he started, walking towards the door," and we found someone who was considered KIA. Six years ago."

"And I'm supposed to care about this how?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"We found him, Olivier. We found Y/n," Gustave whispered, watching me quietly. I scoffed.

"You can't say that and expect me to believe it. Y/n is six years dead and I've just now accepted that. We've all got to move on. Imagine if-if someone said that about your one friend. That after what, it's been 9 years? That they're suddenly alive? What do you expect me to say?" I muttered, running a hand over my face. He shook his head, gesturing to the room.

As the door opened, I saw a very familiar someone looking out the window. He heard the door open and his eyes widened. Gustav was right. It really was him. I slowly walked in, unsure of what to do. Gustav didn't follow, letting the door close behind me.

"I-I know you're probably upset right now and-" he started. I stopped him, quickly wrapping him in a fearful hug.

"I thought I'd lost you for good this time. First you disappeared when the Collectors had showed up. I finally get you back and then poof. You're listed KIA for six fucking years," I trembled, keeping him as close to me as possible.

"S-six years? Gods, Gustave told me it had been a while but not six years. I had no idea, Oli. I'm sorry," he whispered. Y/n looked up at me, cupping my face in his shaking hands.

"But you're here now. That's all that matters to me. Promise me you'll stay safe this time?" I mumbled, leaning into his touch.

"I promise. I'm done with all this military bullshit," he chuckled, smiling at me. I grinned back before pulling him into a gentle kiss.

"How did you even manage to survive?" I asked, leading him over to the bed to sit down.

"Well, it's honestly just a miracle. The planet I'd gotten downed on was real obscure. But it was habitable. Sort of. I didn't need my suit or anything and the waters were fine. There weren't any dangerous creatures but the flora is was got me. Had to rely on it for a bit and that's what got me real sick," Y/n explained.

"Using the scraps from the pod I'd gotten out of, I made a beacon. I signaled during the attack, so I'm not surprised I wasn't rescued sooner. Gustave's team picked up my second signal," he finished.

"You really are stubborn, huh?" I teased, holding his frail hand tight.

"Hey, I made a promise to you right after the reapers hit Earth, didn't I?" He said, twisting that oh so familiar band around his ring finger.

"And you were that determined to keep it? I'll be damned. I've never been so happy with you being so stubborn," I grinned, placing a gentle peck to his forehead. He only smiled, leaning into my touch.

Maybe things were going to be okay after all this loss.


it's BAD i KNOW but i need t feed y'all somehow and this is the best i can come up with right 😭

so for now i think ie gonna take an official hiatus until i get some actually decent ideas, yeah?

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