Chapter 47: Fever Dreams

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I turned over in my bed as the bright morning light rays shined through my eyelids, preventing any more minutes of sleep

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I turned over in my bed as the bright morning light rays shined through my eyelids, preventing any more minutes of sleep. As my head fell to my side something sharp poked into my cheek. I opened my eyes to find that I wasn't in a bed, I was laying in the middle of a grass field. Clouds that resembled cotton balls were scattered throughout the bright blue sky and I watched as they slowly moved through the atmosphere. I slowly sat up and rubbed my forehead, trying to figure out where I was or how I got there. I had no idea where I was but something about it felt oddly familiar, and oddly peaceful.

In that same moment I jumped as a twig snapped behind me. I quickly turned around to face the sound but nobody was there.

"Who's there?" I called out.


"Killian?" I stood and took a step towards the noise.

Again, nothing.

I continued to walk closer to the forest line. I hated horror movies but even I knew that what I was doing was probably the stupidest thing that I could do. However my gut told me to do it, so I followed it.

I walked through the trees and suddenly I found myself walking quicker and quicker until I was running. My heart raced through my veins and pounded in my ears until I arrived at a creek. My chest heaved up and down as I caught my breath, watching the mist in the air with every exhale. The warm spring air in the meadow had now turned into a harsh winter chill. Only then did I realize how snow dusted the banks of the creek.

I jumped again at the sound of a twig breaking. My head frantically snapped at my surroundings, desperately trying to find the source.

"Hello?" I called out again.

This time I was met with the sound of a child giggling in delight followed by a deep belly laugh. A laugh that I instantly recognized.

Uncle John.

I walked through the forest line until I came to a break in the trees where a small pond laid hidden and light rays reflected off its still waters. Beside the ponds bank played one of my fondest memories of my uncle. I was five and he had brought me 'fishing'. I glanced down at the mud where my pink princess fishing pole laid and the magnetic fish floated just a few feet away in the water.

I remembered that I had gotten tired of fishing because the fish would never stick to the pole, so I decided that I had wanted to go for a dip instead. The water was crystal clear and chilly, and uncle John begged me not to step another foot farther into the water but I insisted. And soon he followed. I watched as he splashed me one last time before picking me up and placing me on his shoulders.

"Okay kiddo lets get you back inside before your mom makes me sleep in this pond for the night" He joked and toted me away. I watched as my memory faded but turned my head when I heard another twig snap. Another girl, slightly older, stepped out from behind the bushes. I crouched down behind a tree, worried that she would be able to see me and watched as she picked the pink pole up and snapped it over the top of her leg. She was older than I was, maybe eight? Her jet black hair stopped at her shoulders and her olive skin absorbed any ray of sun that hit her. Her glossy and puffy eyes gave away the secret that she was just crying and a strong wave of jealousy rushed over me as if I was experiencing her emotions.

She stared at the water with the pole in her hands for a few seconds before throwing it into the water and walking away in a different direction that we had gone.

And then the scene completely dissipated into nothing more than what it was; a memory.

But who was the other girl? I was long gone with uncle John when she had come out. Was she watching us the entire time? Did she know us? Was my brain just making this up?

I laid covered in sweat in my bed with Emma softly snoring just a few feet away as a shiver ran through my body. I was too scared to even open my own eyes. I was stuck in my own box of darkness as I racked my feverish brain for any clue as to who she was. I had so many questions but no way of getting any answers. Uncle John was gone and so were all the secrets that he held with him.

Before I knew it a few more hours had passed and now the sunlight really was shining through my eyelids. Emma was no longer snoring beside me and rather her bed was empty and neatly made. I stretched and sat up in bed in time for her to walk through the door with a plate of pancakes in her hands.

"You sounded like you were having a bad dream last night so I wanted to let you sleep in" She offered a symptomatic look as she sat beside me.

My best friend. A good friend will try to cheer you up, but a best friend will know how to cheer you up. Chocolate chip pancakes were exactly it.

"You dreaming about Killian?" She flattened her lips.

"No actually, my uncle" I shook my head and a small cough escaped my chest.

"Huh" she sounded amused. "I didn't think he played a big enough role in your life to be in your dreams"

"He didn't. At least I didn't think so. But I have a feeling I'm just barely scratching the surface on it all."


Do you guys ever get weird fever dreams?! lol I know that cold medicine always makes me have the weirdest dreams, im not sure about fevers though.

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